The Conclave

The Ordos Majoris - Hobby, Painting and Modelling => Inquisitor Game Discussion => Topic started by: Brother_Brimstone on February 26, 2010, 10:00:03 PM

Title: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 26, 2010, 10:00:03 PM
Hi, a while ago, on the old conclave forum i posted a prototype of this character, with an almost entirely different backstory, and most probably, different stats. Anyway, I took the same central premise (which I really like the idea of) and have tried to re-work it into something better. I know the background text is quite long, but last time my main constructive criticism was that my backstory lacked detail, so i've really worked to try and improve this. Please feel free to be perfectly honest in any and all criticism, as I wish to ensure my character is as good as possible. So, any comments/questions/whatever would be really appreciated.


Based in the same planetary system as the infamous Mordian in the Segmentum Obscurus, Zophar’s home planet of Andralius has little to boast of. It is a planet which, unlike Mordian, is able to rotate in orbit. As such, Andralius’ atmosphere is much less cruel than that of Mordian, and rather than inhabiting hives, the people of Andralius tend to live in relatively large cities with high population densities, although there are some smaller, outlying towns and villages. Being a dusty planet, the areas outside of the main cities of Andralius occasionally suffer sandstorms (not so strong as to destroy all those living outside of the cities, but enough to claim at least a few lives per storm). Unlike the Mordians, the Andralians are not famous for being tough, or determined probably due to their relatively easy living conditions and lack of a difficult history such as that of Mordian – in fact, the Andralians are generally seen as ‘soft’ by those who know anything of their unimportant planet.

The Andralian PDF is founded on paranoia. After the cultist uprising on Mordian which led to widespread slaughter and almost lost the planet to the enemies of the Imperium, the vast majority of Andralians know nothing of what happened on Mordian (other than perhaps a few rumours), but some of those who are politically higher up (especially the Imperial Governor of Andralius) have heard tale of how close their neighbour planet came to being destroyed (or worse, conquered) by enemies of mankind. Therefore, in the eyes of Andralius’ Governor, the reason d’être of the Andralian PDF is to root out and destroy those who may be plotting against the planet’s governance. Thus the PDF serves more as a Gestapo than anything else; operating in the major cities of Andralius, trying to find any and all information relating to any anti-imperial groups.  The treatment of those suspected (and usually suspicion is enough to warrant punishment) serves as a strong example to all citizens to toe the line, and as a result of this, the PDF rarely have any cause to act.

Zophar was brought up in one of Andralius’ cities, a city named Suborthil, and his father was the most senior officer in the Suborthil region’s PDF. Zophar was born as the youngest of three brothers, and, to make matters worse, he was the ‘runt’ of the litter, being relatively small and scrawny. When he was young, Zophar’s father, Ezekium, often told Zophar that he was ‘His biggest disappointment’ and lamented that he could not be more like his two brothers, both of whom stood at about 6 foot 2, and were built like brick walls. Ezekium was locally known to be a despicable character – his life’s work being to suspect and, if necessary, turn in his fellow city members, the mentality of his job (superstition, a sense of superiority and cruelty) become the mentality of his life. Zophar’s mother was a housewife, preparing meals for a husband that rarely came home. These circumstances of Zophar’s upbringing would go a long way to explain much of his personality.

Zophar may have been small and scrawny, but in order to prove to his parents he was every bit the man that either of his brothers were, Zophar was determined and exceptionally brave. Using his small stature to his advantage, Zophar focused on building up agility, to compensate for the strength he knew he would never have. When he reached the requisite age, Zophar followed the footsteps of his father and his brothers and joined the Suborthil branch of the PDF.

Zophar underwent the necessary training for those who wished to join the PDF, and began making a name for himself. Zophar became known amongst his fellow troops for two things; 1) he never smiled, and 2) he never questioned orders, or flinched when carrying them out, no matter what they were. The most notable example would be during Zophar’s first week where, allegedly the neighbours to Zophar’s childhood and early adolescent home, were complaining about imperial rule. Zophar killed the husband and wife, close family friends, without uttering a word. Later it was hypothesised (but only in private) that the rumours were created by Zophar’s father in a perverse test of his son’s loyalty – which would explain the ‘coincidental’ timing and targets of Zophar’s first task. Through this relentless determination and career-mindedness, Zophar soon became an officer, even before either of his brothers – on that day Zophar felt no happiness. If a psychologist were ever to have assessed Zophar, they would have said that he was traumatised beyond any real emotion – he was entirely depersonalised, becoming essentially a machine programmed to obey his father.

On what would be Zophar’s last assignment, Zophar was called out of Suborthil. Apparently, a tradesman from a nearby town had entered the city and tried to preach against Imperial control, wittering on about some ‘glorious uprising on Mordian’ – a dangerous speech considering the rumours concerning problems that had occurred on the nearby planet. The PDF soon caught the ‘preacher’ and interrogated him. The ‘preacher’ claimed that a ‘great prophet’ was residing in his home town of Gathik. Zophar’s father, not wanting to leave the relative comfort of Suborthil ‘rewarded’ Zophar by allowing him to take charge of investigating this ‘prophet’. Zophar was assigned to take control of a 5 man detachment consisting of himself, his two brothers, a man trained in the use of a meltagun (because such a weapon would be put to better use in the uncertainty outside the city than the weapons locker inside the city), and the final man trained in first aid.

On Andralius, mechanised vehicles were not abundant, and thus the squad was obliged to make a three day walk from Suborhtil to Gathik through the sandy landscapes, having to wear protective masks to stop sand particles gathering in their lungs (a common affliction for those living in outlying regions). When Zophar’s squad finally reached Gathik they witnessed a sight which they could never have prepared for. At the end of a long, deep trench gouged into the sand just on the borders of the town lay a small, metal pod. The pod was perhaps big enough to house three men, and had a strange, eight pointed star painted on the side. Zophar indicated to his men to prepare to engage an enemy, and the squad raised their guns. As they approached the pod, they could see that it was shut, sealed in a way incomprehensible to them.

The squad began advancing into the town, and in doing so saw, through the dust, an outline. At first they thought it might be the outline of a man, but as they approached, they saw that it was far too large, standing at about 8 foot tall, and built entirely in proportion to this. It was a though someone had taken a man and scaled him up. As the squad approached the monstrous man they heard him preaching, and they began to see the townspeople’s outline, all grouped around him to hear his words. Zophar knew at that instant this man, this thing, had to be eliminated. The townspeople could be dealt with afterwards. The squad got closer to the thing, which they could now see was heavily armoured, and continued to advance, hoping to get within meltagun range. Just before the squad got within range the thing reached into a hip holster and pulled out what looked like a large, pistol, size in proportion to that of the thing wielding it. Without turning around, the thing simply swung the pistol behind himself and pulled the trigger. There was a monstrous crack as the meltagun operator’s head exploded in a shower of gore. Zophar, characteristically unflinching, instantly dropped to the floor. His companions were less well composed. His two brothers attempted to return fire, shooting their lasguns at the thing’s head. The thing laughed and rushed them, drawing a sword from his hip-sheath with his free hand. The thing swung the sword and decapitated Zophar’s brothers in a single swing. While the thing was distracted decapitating Zophar’s brothers, he noticed that the metlagun operator had dropped the meltagun as he died, and that it had landed within reach of where Zophar had dropped to the ground. The thing, clearly enjoying itself turned to face Zophar’s medic, who has simply glued to the spot; terrified. The thing lifted its sword, and as he brought it down in an arc, Zophar rose to his feet with practiced grace. Zophar swung the barrel upwards to face the thing’s head in the same movement he rose to his feet and pulled the trigger. The thing let out a horrible scream as its head melted, but not before decapitating Zophar’s only remaining companion.

The thing’s body went limp and collapsed heavily to the floor. Zophar exhaled audibly and then noticed the sword clutched in the dead thing’s hand. The sword not only looked unusual, but somehow it felt unusual. Zophar could feel it; the sword calling out to him. He didn’t know how or why, all he knew is that in the same way he automatically obeyed his father, he was now compelled to automatically obey this sword. The sword wanted him to pick it up, and he needed to oblige it. Zophar prised the sword from the dead thing’s hand (through a great, great deal of physical exertion) and he picked it up. At this point Zophar, as he had existed until now, was gone forever.

Sarthuul was thrilled. The Alpha Legion were always such a bore; but humans were fun. Sarthuul had no power over his last owner, he being a genetically enhanced super-soldier whose only purposes in life were to fight and convert. Now it was his time. Now, Sarthuul was in control. Now, Sarthuul was no longer obliged to do the bidding of his bearer. Sarthuul had found a vessel over which he had absolute control, and he liked it. Sarthuul was a lesser daemon of chaos, not in service to any god, but acting independently. Sarthuul loved to manipulate others into doing his bidding and trick others into thinking, saying or doing exactly what suited Sarthuul. He was, quite literally, an embodiment of devious manipulation. While not being particularly powerful, Sarthuul had always made himself available to be summoned, knowing that when foolish mortals tried to make a deal with him, he would be able to use some feat of deception, or linguistic sleight of hand, in order to trick them into signing away their souls; most commonly without ever really getting what they wanted. However, Sarthuul’s complacency was ultimately his downfall, and in his eagerness to trick as many mortals as possible, he was eventually summoned by a mortal well enough versed in the ways of his kind. Sarthuul was summoned by a Chaos sorcerer named Herthor, and was bound to a sword forced to serve his new master.

Herthor was the head of a squadron of the Alpha Legion working to prepare imperial planets for chaos invasion (it was even rumoured that the chaos cultists who initiated the attack on Mordian could be traced back to the work of one of Herthor’s infiltrators), Herthor wishing to conquer the planets in the name of Chaos and himself (although mainly the latter). Herthor was killed during the conflict on Mordian (during the famous ‘last stand’ of the Mordian Iron Guard), and his sword was claimed by one of his marines, before they made a tactical retreat. The Chaos Marine who took the sword claimed himself to be the new leader of the Squadron, being the bearer of the daemonic weapon. The tactical retreat took the Alpha Legion squad away from Mordian, and across the system, narrowly avoiding destruction by the imperial psykers (the Alpha Legion Squad had retreated from the planet prematurely, partly due to the death of their leader, partly due to the turning tide of the battle, and partly because they felt that their main task – to sow the seeds of rebellion – had already been accomplished). In their retreat across the Mordian system, the Alpha Legion squad passed Andralius, and Charnok, the new leader of the squad decided to use a single man short distance transport pod, to scout the planet, in the hopes of finding an opportunity to start a second, more successful form of the Mordian rebellion (the Mordian system was ideal for the Alpha Legion’s purposes, as its position in the Segmentum Obscurus would make it easier to defend against any potential Imperial retaliation). It was during this planetary excursion that Charnok’s fate crossed path with that of Zophar, and Sarthuul found his way to a suitable host.

Sarthuul used Charnok’s transport craft to contact the legion’s main ship. He knew he was in a delicate position – his new form was relatively delicate and any of the marines on the ship would literally kill for possession of such a daemon weapon as he (or Zophar, the distinction between the two was now so blurred Sarthuul was no longer sure whether his true residence was within the weapon or within his new host, but he knew he didn’t want to be forced to separate the two and risk finding out), and Sarthuul was in no hurry to be in obedience to another master. Sarthuul told the ship that their leader was dead, but that he knew their goals, and had found a better way to infiltrate imperial planets. Clearly, an 8 foot tall renegade marine is a very conspicuous agent on an Imperial planet, but a human would fit in perfectly. Sarthuul could use his new form, along with his own ability to manipulate and coerce, to sow the seeds of rebellion on imperial planets, preparing them to be conquered by the forces of Chaos. As well as this, his more inconspicuous form would make him ideal for other acts of sabotage such as assassinations, the retrieval or destruction of specific objects on populated planets and a multitude of other tasks that could be achieved through pure force, but would much more easily achieved through more deceptive, sneaky means.

Sarthuul reasoned that making such an offer would be his greatest chance of being allowed to live and keep control of his new form, but the deal was not as one-sided as he had presented it. As well as gaining the freedom which came with almost absolute control over his new host, Sarthuul knew that while on his missions, he would be able to manipulate entire cults into pledging their souls to him personally. Maybe he would even gain enough power to figure out how he could break his bond to that accursed sword, and return to his previous existence as an unbound, free daemon. Sarthuul would soon return to the ship to take up his new position in the squad, but first he had a planet to corrupt and many souls to claim – in fact, his new body seemed to hold some contempt for Andralius, and he would be more than happy to help it find revenge...


WS:  66 (EDITED)
BS:  55 (EDITED)
S: 48
T: 42
I: 59
Wp: 37
Sg: 47
Nv: 41


Wp: 84
Sg: 67
Nv: 96
Ld: 87

Daemonic properties; Bound, Resurrection


WS:  66 (EDITED)
BS:  55 (EDITED)
S: 48
T: 42
I: 59
Wp: 84
Sg: 67
Nv: 96
Ld: 87

Zophar is left handed.

Equipment (EDITED)

autogun with telescopic sight (as found in Recongregator Sourcebook) and laser sight (the autogun was the one he was holding the day he found Sarthuul, and he has since fit it with the appropriate technology for use as an assasination weapon - the weapon upgrade components were from the ship's armoury) , Sarthuul, gas mask, flak armour on all locations except head,  a combat knife (standard PDF issue), revolver (his military side-arm; he was issued a revolver rather than an autopistol on his last mission because an autopistol would be more likely to jam due to sand).

Special Rules/Abilities (EDITED)

Dispossesion: Unlike most cases wherein a character wields a daemonic weapon, it is the daemon who is in charge of the body, and the mortal who is fighting to try and (re)gain control. As such, Zophar/Sarthuul counts as a daemonic character, but as well as this, on his standard profile, he uses Sarthuul’s mental characteristics (to represent the fact that Sarthuul is the ‘mind inside the body’), and Zophar’s physical characteristics (because it is, of course Zophar’s body). As another consequence of the peculiar arrangement between man and sword, although Zophar/Sarthuul should role for daemonic possession as necessary, he does so when Zophar/Sarthuul’s Wp drops below Zophar’s, rather than Sarthuul. The consequences of ‘possesion’ are played as usual, representing the fact that Zophar is terrified, insane and disorientated – he has suffered a full mental breakdown due to his situation and thus will act chaotically if/when he regains control of his body. If this change occurs, Zophar regains his original stat line, and stops counting as daemonic. However, at the beginning of each turn where he is Zophar, he must pass a Wp test (with Zophar’s Wp, or revert back to Sarthuul/Zophar).

Split Personality: If Sarthuul is Banished, then Zophar instantly goes into system shock. This represents the fact that Sarthuul’s presence is being ripped from Zophar’s body, and Zophar’s mind is in an unfit state to resume control. For purposes of story, when Zophar/Sarthuul suffers banishment, because Sarthuul’s presence is so intertwined with Zophar’s, Sarthuul cannot be completely banished unless Zophar’s soul is banished along with it (and Zophar, not being a daemon, cannot be banished). Therefore, what occurs is that Sarthuul’s mind is ‘cut off’ from Zophar’s body and Zophar essentially enters a temporary comatose state, as Sarthuul and Zophar undertake a bitter struggle to regain control of Zophar’s body.

Acrobatic; This represent the years that Zophar spent training himself to use his small stature to his advantage in combat situations. Zophar may be a ‘runt’ but he’s fast, light on his feet, and has had years of practice perfecting his ability to run faster and jump higher than any potential aggressor. He is also very well versed in manoeuvring himself in fights to get behind the opponent so that the strength difference is no longer so crucial.
Demagogue (as seen in the recongregator sourcebook) - Sarthuul's career, and very existence, revolves around his ability to manipulate others - and this obviously includes manipulating others through speech. This ability represents Sarthuul's ability to stir others into an uncontainable rage through his daemonically tainted speeches.

Psyker - Telepathy - Puppet master, Enforce Will; Sarthuul never had these power's as a sword. As a sword he was but an inanimate object, with no real ability to effect the world around him. Now, Sarthuul is so much more than a sword. Now Sarthuul has a body, and a mind, and can manipulate them towards his own ends. Sarthuul's power has become closer to that of his true form (nowhere near as powerful - but closer), and reflecting this, he has started to manifest cerain psyker's powers. Puppet Master and Enforce Will both represent Sarthuul's daemonic domain - the control and manipulation of others into doing his bidding.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 07:17:09 PM
Actually having thought about it a bit more, although I can justify Zophar/Sarthuul's acquisition of a boltgun, it seems ulikely that a character such as he, who is mainly an infiltrator would consider it any kind of good idea to carry around  a boltgun, let alone worth having to bear the weight etc...

He obviously has to have his sword on him at all times, but is there any real justifcation for him having anything more than a pistol on him in the kind of situation inquisitor usually considers? I was considering an autogun, but would someone such as Zophar realistically have one of these on him?

However, for all these considerations it should be noted that he isn't extensively making a name for himself while infiltrating, associating mainly with underground cults etc... and it does seem likely he would at least take a rifle for him both in case things go awry and in case the orders come through for some form of assassination while he is on a planet. Before i start modelling him, and actually need to model the gun, i would like some advice as to whether an autogun would be appropriate. Perhaps if i gave him an autogun with a scope or lasersight i could justify it as his token 'assassination weapon'?

Any help would be appreciated - and i realisse the backstory i've upped above is massive, but if anyone could just look at the stats/abilities, i'd be extremely grateful, as this is the first functioning inquisitor character i've designed (or at least the first that i;ve decided to follow through on - i've had a lot of prototypes, but most never go anywhere - Zophar is my favourite and the first for me to make a 54mm model for).
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Ferran on February 27, 2010, 07:36:17 PM
Quote from: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 07:17:09 PM

Any help would be appreciated - and i realisse the backsoty i've upped above is massive,...

Hence the chances of me reading it are between zero and none. However on the issue of an autogun - pretty much any character could have an autogun and still be fluffy. An elite trooper or mutated cultist, doesn't matter, they're so versatile you can make it suitable for anyone if you mod or up/downgrade the profile and look of the weapon.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 08:19:32 PM
Quote from: Ferran on February 27, 2010, 07:36:17 PM
Hence the chances of me reading it are between zero and none.

Yeah, i know, I sympathise; if i saw a post like mine, i too would overlook it. The problem is, my character requires a series of rather improbable events to be considered a likely character, and when i last posted my prototype for Zophar on the old (i think even old, old) conclave, the main criticism from everyone was that i lacked detail and sounded improbable. Thus, this time, i opted to explain all circumstances explaining how the character got from where he began to where he is now, and why they occurred, to explain why the unlikely chain of events did occur to cause Zophar/Sarthuul to end up in his particular position.

I know some may say that if his story is that complex, it may be worth simplifying it, but i loved the concept so much, i really wanted a way to realise it.

-By the way, thanks for your advice on the autogun - i think I am going to go for some form of scoped autogun in lieu of the more improbable botlgun
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Kaled on February 27, 2010, 08:48:40 PM
I rarely bother reading background that long, but had a few moments and took a look - I like it, there are a few things I'd have done differently but nothing I'm going to quibble over.  As for his stats, they're not bad but I'd be tempted to increase his WS & BS to better represent his military training, and perhaps increase his Initiative as well as you mention him concentrating on his agility and he's pretty decisive compared to his peers.  His S & T are low, as befits his background, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to increase those stats.

And I agree on the autogun - he took the boltgun from a Choas Marine's ship, so it'd probably be too big anyway.  Some sort of accurate, scoped autogun seems much better.  Perhaps give him a sidearm as well, and maybe a combat knife - he was a soldier after all.  Also, what about some sort of Demagogue ability for the daemon to reflect hism attempting to turn the populace against the Imperium?
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 09:04:55 PM
Thanks very much for the advice - i really appreciate your time.

I think you may be right on the higher stats front, but i didn't want to start him out with any stats that were TOO high incase it made me look like i was just a power gamer trying to give myself a character more powerful than could be justified. I shall up the stats at your recommendation.

EDIT: Also, with regards to the Demagogue ability, i think that's a really good idea - do you have any ideas for how i could work it mechanically, however? Is there any sort of ability which has already been made which would fit the bill, or would I have to create one myself?
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: MarcoSkoll on February 27, 2010, 09:22:13 PM
Quote from: Ferran on February 27, 2010, 07:36:17 PMHence the chances of me reading it are between zero and none.
I, on the other hand, relish reading. Provided a background is good enough to hold my interest, it can be whatever length.

And this was definitely up to spec. As far as the background, there's not really a lot I can say on improving it.
The only advice I might have is that if you are going to post a background of that length, it would probably be worth offering a version that summarises it down to the basics. While I'll read the long version, not all of the other members here would.

As far as the profile, it depends on what "power level" you're intending to play at, but I (like Kaled) would reckon a trained military soldier would have more impressive WS & BS... probably an improvement of about 20-30 points between them.

Abilities-wise, something else wouldn't hurt either. Perhaps Sarthuul can manifest some interesting psychic power (based on the background, some form of suggestion Telepathy power would make sense). This would also make it more probable that your whole "Wp conflict" rules could actually come into play.

Note: There are already two forms of an ability called Demagogue. One is in the Fanatic Online 94 Chaos Space Marine article, the other in the Dark Magenta Recongregator sourcebook.
The latter is probably the more useful to you.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 09:39:22 PM
Thank you very much for your advice, i really appreciate the help of those who have more experience than me in this. I'm really keen on 40k background, and have tried to find out as much of it as i can, but i haven't played inquisitor as much as i'd like.

I shall look into both those Demagogue abilities you recommended and also look at a power to give Sarthuul - if memory serves there is one in the rulebook called 'Puppet Master' all about controlling people, so i may have a look at that.

Thank you for your time, and i hope you enjoyed reading my story.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: MarcoSkoll on February 27, 2010, 09:49:00 PM
Quote from: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 09:39:22 PMif memory serves there is one in the rulebook called 'Puppet Master' all about controlling people, so i may have a look at that.
There is. Enforce Will is another possible option.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 10:03:11 PM
Wow, fluff wise, both Enforce Will and Puppet MAster seem to fit well fluff-wise. Would giving him both perhaps be a bit overpowered for a Lesser Daemon, or do you think I should just pick one?
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: MarcoSkoll on February 27, 2010, 10:23:50 PM
A lesser daemon on its own (unless of course it was a Khornate Daemon) could quite easily have multiple powers.
Of course, bound to a blade, its power would be heavily tempered, but in this case, I wouldn't object to it having both.

I'd be quite careful on specifying how and when they could be used, else there are odd questions about "Why didn't the sword just use its power on its former masters" - but if you say the daemon was forced to obey its former stronger willed masters (i.e. if the daemon's not in control, it can't use its powers), that'd work.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 10:41:40 PM
I really like the idea that he can't use his powers unless he's bound to Zophar - maybe he needs a basis within a human mind rather than an inanimate object to realise more of his true power. A large part of the concept for my character was the symbioptic relationship between man and daemon. Zophar is horribly repressed and angry, he's lashing out at the world for his father's treatment of him, and the power given to him by Sarthuul is the realisation of his darkest subconcious desires. Sarthuul on the other hand NEEDS Zophar because he's trapped in the realm of mortals, and Zophar provides a mortal vessel for Sarthuul to inhabit. That's why I made Sarthuul more than a standard daemon weapon, and why Sarthuul can't be banished, it's like the eternal bonding of, essentially, two kindred spirits. On top of this, Zophar's life was about servitude, and Sarthuul's about tricking others into serving him - their relationship is perfect for what they are.

All in all, i think I am going to go for the idea that once Sarthuul had control of a human mind, his powers grew to more resemble what they were before he was imprisoned in the sword.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Kaled on February 27, 2010, 10:50:45 PM
By the way - how do you plan to model this guy?  What's the plan for the daemon sword?
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 10:56:15 PM
The basic plan for the guy himself is that smart max model i was talking about in painting/modelling.

For the autogun, im going to try and find an airfix/whatever 1/35 sniper rifle.

For the sword, im not entirely sure yet. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

EDIT: The smart max model came in the post this morning, but i was still asleep at the time, so i'm going to have to wait until i can pick it up on monday before i can start anyway.Hopefully i will have thought of something for the sword by then.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Ferran on February 27, 2010, 11:28:16 PM
I don't think that Smartmax model would suit an overly decorative or twisted sword. I suppose an argument could be made that a bound entity would inevitably express its presence through the appearance of the sword but you could also create some fluff to explain a sword more aesthetically appropriate for the model.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 11:49:47 PM
Yeah, I agree, my original idea was for it to be a regular looking sword, but which glowed blue with power. The lfuff reason I had planned was that because Sarthuul's entire existence reviolves around deception, it only makes sense that he is deceptively like a normal sword. Also, the distortion that would occur in the sword has instead occurred in Zophar's face - that's why he always wears a gas mask, he has a horribly mutated face. Zophar is able to represss it for short periods though - while he is out in public, but when he is private with the cults, he uses his face to prove the power of chaos. The distortion being in Zophar rather than the sword is yet another expression of the fact that Zophar and Sarthuul are basically inseparably bound - Zophar's own body is being warped by Sarthuul's presence.

Maybe I could say that either his face is mutated, or he can transfer the mutation to the sword for short periods. Thus in Imperial territory, he transfers the mutation from face to sword, and returns to normal when he's in private (or can explain the mask).
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Ferran on February 28, 2010, 12:12:19 AM
I think that explanation is very suiting, a kind of Dorian Gray situation. The sword stays ever immaculate where the weilder grows rotten.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 28, 2010, 12:41:37 AM
I'd never thought of that comparison, but it's brilliant!

I'd actually always planned for Zophar to have a mutated face, simply as a sort of mark of the fact that he's been contaminated, both in body and mind, by the forces of chaos - I just never really found a place where it would be appropriate to mention his face in the backstory, seeing as it 99% preludes him finding the sword, and clearly the degeneration has occured over time.

Right, so for the sword, i can just take, any generic 1/35th (or possible actual Inquisitor made) sword, and then when it comes to painting, i'll either mix some blue with the silver, mix some blue in with some gloss varnish or give the silver sword a blue wash (or any combination of the above - i want the 'vaguely glowing' effect, not just a really blue sword) and voila, a glowing blue daemonic sword.

Thanks for the ongoing suggestions and help, Zophar/Sarthuul is beginning to really shape up!

EDIT: speaking of shaping up - i've added the changes suggested to Zophar's profile, they're in red so they're easily seen, and i've given fluffy reasons for all of them.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: MarcoSkoll on February 28, 2010, 01:25:44 AM
My suggestion would be to mix blue into the shading colour of the sword (or potentially the highlights). If the blue shows up in one end of the shade spectrum but not the other, it'll come across as more of a glow rather than a solid blue-ish metal.

Quote from: Brother_Brimstone on February 27, 2010, 11:49:47 PMMaybe I could say that either his face is mutated, or he can transfer the mutation to the sword for short periods.
Alternatively, you could have a Jedi mind trick situation:
"What's up with the gas mask?"
"The mask is nothing, pay no heed to it."

Just a possibility, and maybe a more interesting one - while he can brush off the questions of a casual weak-willed citizen, he has to be careful to avoid the attention of those with stronger minds.
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: Brother_Brimstone on February 28, 2010, 01:30:46 AM
Quote from: MarcoSkoll on February 28, 2010, 01:25:44 AM
Alternatively, you could have a Jedi mind trick situation:
"What's up with the gas mask?"
"The mask is nothing, pay no heed to it."

Just a possibility, and maybe a more interesting one - while he can brush off the questions of a casual weak-willed citizen, he has to be careful to avoid the attention of those with stronger minds.

That's absolutely brilliant! I'd never even thoguht of that. In fact, his 'enforce will' power would completely explain WHY he's able to tell them to pay his mask no heed!

I was actually rather struggling to justify why he was able to return his face to normal seeing as the point of his corrupted face is to mark his tainted soul - but this completely eliminates that difficulty!

Thanks so much!

(Also, thanks for the painting tip - that sounds good - i'll probably combine that with mixing a very small amount of blue in with the gloss varnish i use on the sword - it's a trick i used on Skaven warplock engineers to represent the energy crackling over their implants and it looks quite nice - in the right light you see blue, but its very faint, and of course, shiny because of the varnish).
Title: Re: Zophar/Sarthuul
Post by: MarcoSkoll on February 28, 2010, 01:56:06 AM
Quote from: Brother_Brimstone on February 28, 2010, 01:30:46 AMThat's absolutely brilliant! I'd never even thought of that.
No problem. That's the beauty of a forum - it allows you to pick other people's brains for ideas...

Quote...mixing a very small amount of blue in with the gloss varnish I use on the sword - in the right light you see blue, but its very faint, and of course, shiny because of the varnish.
I might have to try that one myself. I've not used tinted varnishes before, but I might have an opportunity to try them depending on how I decide to do a certain model I've got in the works.

... anyway, I believe I should be going to bed at this point, given that it's pretty much two in the morning.