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Followers of the Machine-God

Started by greenstuff_gav, April 17, 2011, 10:15:25 PM

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i'm a bit unenthused to do anything at the moment, so thought i'd get some of my characters posted, something i'm terrible for not doing  :-\

here's a start with some Adeptus Mechanicus characters :D

>>Magos Rowne

Magos Berith Rowne

Magos Berith Rowne was a standard Explorator working out on the Eastern Fringes investigating Xenos Energy Weapons. It was during study of ruins on the dead world of Geryon V the team was attacked by an Eldar warhost, striking from nowhere, devastating the team leaving the corpses out to the stars.

Magos Rowne was left twisted and torn amongst the wreckage, his life draining slowly away.
Unwilling to face death, the Quest burned through his veins with hatred of the xenos scum. This driving force kept him going, he repaired a servitor and utilised an MIU link to create a life support system and perform the surgery to transplant his dying brain into the unit.

From here Rowne has expended a lot of time and effort into developing life-sustaining techniques and technologies, his quest altering with a burning hatred of Xenos and a desire to regain his senses, leaving his prison.

Magos Rowne arrived originally in the Carthax Sector to aid the construction of life-support aids for Lord inquisitor Grolin; Rowne being renown for his knowledge and mastery over the flesh.
However, politics (some whisper of agents wishing Lord Inquisitor Grolin's demise...) intervened and Rowne spent several weeks waiting for an audience. He instead travelled to the Garion Outpost, hearing of powerful artefacts being discovered.
During several clashes with Inquisitorial Agents, Rowne aided in the destruction of the Dig Site, his hatred of the Xenos giving him drive and he barely escaped, suffering several wounds and the loss of many of his retinue <see file GSG-31009-V>.

Magos Rowne would appear to have a fear of termination; he has enlisted aid from Tech Adept Stein, noted for his work with bionic enhancements and Tech Adept Liwet, rumour circulating of experiments with cloning following an attempt on his life <see file GSG-21009-MR>.

Magos Rowne
Behemoth Rig
Unknown Companion

Magos Rowne - Life-support Servitor Rig
WS BS  S   T   I  Wp Sg Nv Ld
30  30 60 50 56 72  96 82 71
Rig is Left-Handed

Weapons: Flail

Armour: Armour 10 to Right Arm.

Special Abilities: Medic, True Grit, Machine Empathy (In Base2Base- 1 extra Action required to "connect")
Servitor-Rig: use the Head Damage chart for hits to the Right Arm. use the Arm Damage Table for hits to the Head

+++FILE END+++

>>Mechanicus Annika, Rowne

Clone 4N1-K4 "Annika"


Following his encounter with the Inquisition on Garion in the Carthax system, Magos Rowne realised many shortcomings in his Servitor life support system.
The fear of termination forefront in his mind, Rowne pursued a new method of mobility; a clone of his own body.
While it is a relatively straightforward technique to create clone flesh, Rowne's own small unstable DNA samples and issues with the growth acceleration equipment left subject after subject in the incinerator.
With the aid of several genesists and support from Tech Adepts Stein and Liwet, a stable clone was eventually created.
An unforeseen consequence of the modifications was the loss of the Y chromosome and a corruption of the genetic memory implants.
While Magos Rowne prepared to terminate this faulty clone, Adept Liwet intervened; when something resembling new life is created without explanation, is it not the will of the Ommissiah?

And so Rowne kept clone 4N1-K4 or Annika, as Adept Liwet teased, raising the child with the aid of Rownes retinue of servitors and indentured serfs.
To young Annika, the first few years of her accelerated life have been spent playing games; Rownes tests of her genetic knowledge, Liwets blood tests and time spent with the care servitors, never too tired to play with her even though they do it in a stilted, unfeeling manner.

She has begun travelling with Rowne, displaying an innate knowledge of machinery and a knack of "getting the Spirits to play" often under the watchful gaze of Adept Liwet or more often accompanied by one of Rownes many MIU linked Servo-Skulls.

Mech Annika
file: GSG-121209-AL
file: SFC-301209-L
Magos Rowne (L) Subject (R)

Clone 4N1-K4 "Annika"

WS BS  S   T   I  Wp Sg  Nv Ld
30  0  22 35 41 45  36  40 32

Armour: Av1 to all locations

Equipment: Rownes' Servoskull (when using Sg, 50% chance of +50Sg)

Special Abilities: Machine Empathy (may use Sg, must be in Base2Base), Small Size (-15% to hit Annika), Shin Kick (in melee, if does any damage, may automatically break free from combat and move upto 4")

+++FILE END+++

>>Adept Liwet

Tech Adept Agatha Liwet

Tech Adept Liwet is known for a somewhat cavalier attitude quite different from many of the Mechanicus' agents.
While her father was a stereotypical Explorator and her mother an Imperial Guardsman assigned to his retinue, a childhood being raised by a squad of hardened veterans left as much of an impression on the young girl as did her father's (and later, her Mechanicus training) teachings.

With an innate ability for repair, Adept Liwet has been spotted in several conflicts across the galaxy; from aiding the defenders of Armageddon Prime, uttering curses and soothing litanies for the artillery mounts to fighting alongside the Tau to gain their trust and samples of their technology for study.

Her "shoot first, shoot second, shoot some more and then ask questions" methodology has led to her often working with more technologically gifted members of the Mechanicus; Adept Liwet procures artefacts and leaves the analysis to those with more patience.
With such a resume, it is unsurprising she has gravitated to the Carthax Sector. She has been seen in the company of Magos Rowne, despite their opposing views on Xenos technology.

Tech Adept Liwet
file: GSG-121209-AL
file: SFC-301209-L
file: SFC-221209-S
file: GSG-131209-AL

Tech Adept Agatha Liwet

Ws Bs    S        T   I  Wp Sg  Nv Ld
62  70 60(75) 60 66 78  71 75 68
Agatha is Right Handed

Weapons: Stub Gun, 1 Smoke Grenade (Blind)

Equipment: Av' Bionics: Eyes+ R Ear, Left Arm
2 Stubgun Reloads
1 Dose De-Tox
Neuro-Connector - Machine Empathy (in Base2Base; 1 extra action to connect) - +20% resistance against Perils of Warp and against Machine Empathy (or similar) attacks (see Ghost In the shell attack barrier)

Armour: AV1 to head, AV 3 to right arm, Chest, Abdomen and Groin, AV4 to Left Arm, AV 6 to legs

Special Abilities: Rock Steady Aim, Hip Shoot, Quickload

+++FILE END+++

>>Mechanicus Stein

Magos Mirai Stein
+++FILE END+++

>>Adept Stein

Adept Stein's Father, Magos Veil Stein, was responsible for many things in the Adeptus Mechanicus, most importantly the discovery of a STC for a sharper type of knife (discovered with assistance from an Imperial Guard unit).
When Magos Steins' extensive bionics were crippled by a haywire grenade during an encounter with Inquisitor Fy Raving, his legacy to his son and daughters was his extensive research and resources.

Following Magos Stein's theorys on the importance of companioning flesh with the machine, Tech Adept Ran Stein took his research into bionics and cyborg technology, building more advanced servitors, summoning more advanced machine spirits, increasing reliability, efficiency and so on.
It was after years of study that he made a breakthrough in machine spirit technology; his dipnumona servitor assistants were created from clone material, yet with the aid of machine spirits were able to operate with limited independence.
Constantly tinkering with them to improve their assessing skills, he has turned to creating more powerful battle servitors for the Tech Guard.
They began with the Cyclops Internal Defense Droid, massive servitors carrying heavy weapons. They could only be given basic commands but are more heavily armoured, if not slower than a standard battle servitor.
Such was the breakthrough in these that the Imperial Guard and PDFs still make limited use of them.

It was with the development of the Tetrapnumona Battle Praetorian Adept Stein lost sight of his goals. Adept Stein managed to utilise his Machine Spirit technology with more advanced bionic enhancement to slave several xenos into battle servitors.
This bought attention from many Inquisitors, leading to continual research and development along with several attempts on Adept Steins life.
It was travelling en route from C'Auguis 11 to Rurui VIII seeking a specimen from the homo Sapiens Varietes that several Puritan members of the Inquisition attacked.
During a frantic firefight, Steins personal ship "Grace of Steel" was shattered and dropped into Rurui VI's endless deserts.

Stein survived only by luck, getting thrown underneath the reinforced legs of his Tetrapnumona praetorian.
It was his knowledge of Man's Flesh and creation of bionics that saved his life. He was eventually able to rebuild the emergency uplink to Mars and call for recovery.

He was eventually allowed an audience with Magos Mirai Stein, his older sister, who restored his laboratories on Mars and returned Stein to work researching and creating Servitors.
However Adept Stein still burned with hatred for the Inquisition, blaming them for his now extensive bionics, and being confined to the temple-workshops soon enough made Stein restless.
Thus after many petitions he was granted a ship and a limited entourage, taking up the Explorator's Quest for Knowledge, travelling the galaxy from hive worlds and abandoned worlds hunting for archeotech, to assignments with the Imperial Guard, trialling battle servitors and bionic replacements.

Tech Adept Stein (FILE:MISSING)
Tech Adept Stein (first incarnation)
Cyclops Internal Defense Droid
Tetrapnumona Battle Praetorian

Tech Adept Ran Stein (3rd Incarnation)

Ws  Bs    S       T   I  Wp Sg Nv Ld
65  70 60(75) 60 75 85 80 70 70

Weapons: Bolt Carbine, Power Axe

Armour: Av 3 to Head, Right Arm, Abdomen, AV 6 to Chest, Left Arm, Groin, AV 7 to Right Leg, AV 10 to left leg

Equipment: 1 Reload (Bolt Carbine)
Average Bionic: Left Leg, Lung, Heart
Advanced Bionic: Left Arm, Right Eye (with Range Finder)

Special Abilities: Machine Empathy (in Base2Base), Nerves Of Steel

+++FILE END+++

>> stein cidd

Cyclops Internal Defence Droid

First developed by Tech Adept Ran Stein for use in Adeptus Arbite precincts with low manpower allocation, the CIDD have since been spotted in Imperial Guard forces and even private ownership across the Segmentum Pacificus.
While their machine-spirit is limited, Tech Adept Stein has been continually developing and improving their capabilities although field-trials have yielded little success in anything other than basic commands.

Cyclops Internal Defence Droid
file: GSG-121209-AL

Cyclops Internal Defence Droid "CIDD"

WS BS  S   T   I   Wp Sg Nv Ld
50  55 70 60 60 100 5 100 5

Weapons: 2x Rocket Launcher (autoload: Frag / Super Krak) or Eviscerator and Decapitator

Equipment: Bio-scanner (Autoactive, Effective range D10")

Armour: AV8 to all locations

Special Abilities: Lumbering (may only walk. always activates last)

+++FILE END+++

>> rowne servitor

Magos Rowne's Servitors

Sample Image
Weapons Servitor

Ws Bs  S   T    I   Wp Sg  Nv Ld
55  50 60 50 60 100 45 100 60

Weapons: Decapitator + Lascutter or chainblade / 1x Plasmablaster + Powerfeed + Leg Supports
Lascutter: rng C, Single shot, Acc -, Dam 2D6, Shots 60, reload -, weight 25
Plasmablaster: Rng B, Single Shot, Acc -15, Dam 3D10+5, Shots 1, Reload 2, Weight 60

Armour: Av3 to all locations

Equipment: Powerfeed: implant into opposite arm to Plasmablaster, while arm is less than Serious, may Aim and Reload.
Leg Support: while both legs less than Serious, Rock Steady Aim and Quick Load. Once one leg is Serious, lose Quick Load.

Special Abilities: Ambidextrous

+++FILE END+++

so, while i'm missing Stein's picture, thanks for reading :D
i make no apologies, i warned you my ability to roll ones was infectious...

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