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The Saint of Ilithyia

Started by Necris, September 09, 2011, 11:45:05 PM

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The card read the same, no matter how thoroughly he shuffled them they always came up the same, he'd event removed certain cards only to find them back in the deck giving the same reading as before.

He sighed as the laid the last card down and looked at the pattern.

The Sorcerer sat in the centre representative of himself the wise and the adaptable, on the right sat the Martyr a sign of devotion yet to the left lay the inverted Monster a sign of true evil, chaos for want of a better word, to the top lay the inverted Paladin crossed by the Eye a portent of deception and corruption. to the bottom lay the Pilgrim warning him to be cautious.

He sighed the reading was vague but it meant something to keep coming up, he drew on his latent powers sitting back on the functional chair in his darkened study he held a hand over the Sorcerer closing his eyes drawing a deep breath he released it slowly feeling himself falling away from his body.

Heat washed over his skin causing him to raise his hand to shield his eyes as he opened them, a war zone twisted out around him heretics their skin cared with the ruinous marks surged towards him their weapons sending thousands of rounds in his direction, they passed through him causing no harm and he turned to see their intended target a singular figure standing atop a ruined wall, a halo of light played round the figure obscuring the body from his sight no matter how hard he focussed on the visage he couldn't define any details.

The figure slaughtered the arch enemy in droves throwing back the enemy with each sweep of it's weapons it cast them back, looking down he looked at the enemy, they were well equipped their webbing and weapons an equal of guard issue, grotesque trophies hung from the webbing, fingers, ears scripts of skin stained with profanities, their uniforms if they could be called that were blood stained and dirty, yet the men were fit healthy if such a standard could be compared against a loyalist man, he noted their rigid bodies the hard lines of developed muscles and signs of hard fought lives yet  he watched as the enemy withered and withdrew from the single figure even as it sank to it's knees and then fell the light fading he tried to move closer but in a burning flash he was thrown from the vision before him, landing heavily on his back in the darkened study, blood trickled from his nose and eyes as he let out the last of the held breath.

The door to the study snapped open casting a harsh white light across him, he groaned and rolled away from it as his savant Kilean entered she crossed the room laying a goblet of clear liquid down beside him she moved towards the desk looking over the cards.

"I've told you before cartomancy is not an exact science."

His hand snaked out gripping the goblet he drew it to his lips savouring the rich clarity of the water as he sat up where he sat he looked at Kilean as she tidied the desk despite herself.

"I thought I'd told you, you didn't need to carry the sword."

"I need to get used to the weight don't I?"

"I'm hoping you won't need to use it."

He pushed himself to his feet wiping the blood across his face he stepped back to the desk.

"I want you to pull all the images of arch enemy units in this sector, focus on the Nexus Belt Crusade and the Ilithyia, Pythan and Elix IV conflicts."

"So your reading showed you something useful then?"

"In a manner of speaking."

"I'll get on it right away for you."

He nodded his thanks as Kilean made to leave.

"You need to clean yourself up Sasha, he's made dock." 
This here is my very favourite gun...I call her rita.

The Order of the Iron Rose - Necris' Inq28 Plog


The sleek assault ship touched the deck on a trio of sharp landing struts the hull steaming from the extreme cold of the void, as the service crews moved closer the embankment ramp dropped and a figure robed in as dark a material as his ship strode from the ships innards the steam swirling round him as he left the landing deck.

Savantes watched from the safety of the observation bubble, a trio of the ships menial staff waiting with him as he watched the figure stride across the deck, it's own servants followed two bearing cases of obsidian the third carrying it's masters great sword in an ornate sheathe of silver and gold, he sneered as the figure reached the security bulkhead and sighed.

"Has he's always been so over dramatic?"

The figure on the screen gave a thin smile.

"Theatricality is one of our many weapons Savantes, be polite he and I are old friends."

"As you wish Alex, though I have to say I don't like him already."

The screen went dead as the bulk head hissed open, Savantes went into a low bow followed by the ship menials.

"Welcome aboard Lord, we welcome you to Master Holker's ship and are here to guide you to your quarters and offer any assistance you require."

The hooded figure regarded him for a long while before speaking in a harsh rasp.

"Take me to Alexander Holker now!"

Savantes was taken back a little but he didn't show it he straightened bowing his head slightly.

"As the lord wishes, perhaps your savants would like to wait in the quarters we have assigned for you."

A curt nod was all the reply he got, half turning he spoke to the menials.

"See the lords savants are comfortable and return to your duties."

"Yes sir."

One of them affirmed before he turned to the figure.

"This way Lord."

He gestured for the figure to follow.
This here is my very favourite gun...I call her rita.

The Order of the Iron Rose - Necris' Inq28 Plog