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The Lucky Seven

Started by Saearath, March 01, 2016, 07:23:58 AM

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HELP build my war band!?! I recognise that particular request is way to open ended so I'll give you enough rope to hang it all.

Apologies in advance for the wall of text.

First some background, back when Inquisitor was first released, I and three mates got hooked. We each took on a team lead by an Inquisitor of a different primary Ordos and a lone Rogue Trader. We were disillusioned quickly enough playing as per GW rules with godlike beings. Then real life stuff happened.......

Eventually a few years later the same group with several ring-ins got together and played Dark Heresy. One of the original four acted as the GM and even used his first Inquisitor character to act as our guidance from a distance; the other two took up characters as a noble born Imperial Guard Officer, the other local scum from our world spanning abattoir. I got to play as the bad guys, a Nurgle based theme, and DM's second. Of course numbers dwindled so I got to play a cleric with a blighted schola background. Eventually real life caught up to us again, we were all destined to be scattered to the four corners of the world literally (I got deployed to Afghanistan, one married an American, the vet went to work with elephants in Asia, the last was posted to sea). So our final hurrah came in the guise of Great Unclean One ripping through the fabric of space inside a Church of the Holy Emperor where we fought and vanquished the daemon on to watch the complex collapse around us and all inside!

This may seem like storytelling and inconsequential but far from it. The four of us have all once again returned to Oz and managed to land within a few hours travel of each other. We all want to get together semi regularly and finally finish what we started 15 years ago. Each of us is now going to take our Dark Heresy character merges them in with our original war band theme due to model access and logistics. We will progress the storyline from that fateful day, which ultimately changed our destinies, and finally make 54mm Inquisitor work for us.

Last bit before cracking down into the nitty gritty of my own team is a quick overview of what I know my opponents are doing. The primary Inquisitor Lord among us and the man we were all once acolyte too, created by the vet, is an Ordos Xenos biomancer. He has regen as a wyrd trying to represent it like dead pool without any extra superheroness, a penchant for using Eldar and their stuff as a weapon against the enemies of mankind. His retinue includes a Xeno-Techpriest with a hard on for guns, an assassin (hitman style) that's a lab experiment half breed human/eldar, and an eldar pirate that has fallen victim to a life debt not realising that the human inquisitor in question may in fact outlive eldar in general. The others I know less about, the Naval Officer, that once played a Naval Officer, has been promoted to Inquisitor very Puritan Hereticus executing the witch, mutant and heretic with his naval pistol. His retinue is up in the air, I know the models include Eisenhorn, Lady Jenna, SGT Black and MAJ Jackson. Finally our scum member after spending time in America has decided the best avenue is to essentially have Han Solo join the resistance to lead, and I quote "A Greenpeace terrorist cell". I'm not sure what to make of that either. I also know that he has no miniatures so he really is a bit of a wild card.

We have tried the original exterminatus random character generator and while we were happier with the outcomes from it, for the most part, our characters are already too specific to just roll up. It's at this point I have hit a wall I may be overloading my guys with too much theme or repetitive nuisances, who knows so some outside advice and a fresh perspective might be able to round out the team or at least point out where it's just not working. Also a few suggestions on linking some of the character storylines together are appreciated.

So finally we reach the bit you hoped I'd get too eventually. The Lucky Seven or, Magnificent Seven, Sinister Seven etc. so on and so forth. My first team was Malleus and could still work but I'm actually thinking of going the Sepulturum route this time around. There is a strong Nurgle flavour to my war band and with the seven being His blessed number, I decided it was necessary to have a war band of the same number. I needed them all to have a character flaw, to this I chose one of the seven deadly sins for each, which makes all unique while strengthening the group thematic. Finally since I didn't want an out and out heretical team (though they come close) I wanted paths to redemption, tests of will and faith, and since Papa Nurgle is such a jovial god and loves to entertain his children, I look Purgatorio of the divine comedy for a lot of inspiration.

Member #1 - Codename Superbia (Pride) - Inquisitor Provenzano Salvani of the Ordo Sepulturum
Foremost my Inquisitor is Anakin Skywalker to the Xenos' Obi Wan. Dropped off at the Schola Progenium as a babe, by Xenos Inquisitor, to become his right hand man. Most likely designed to be a weapon, he will have at least one grandparent that's Eldar but due to life experiences hasn't followed in the footsteps of his mentor. Hubris is his downfall, taking pride in his natural abilities, his station, and his achievements. It was when he took plague sword from the daemon, which he still carries, and decapitated said daemon with his own sword. It was at this point the church he was standing in collapsed and a large portion of stone ceiling fell on top of him, breaking his back. He walks upright now only with assistance from a MIU linked to the power armour he wears. Despite his overtly aggressive appearance I always considered him scrawny and broken inside his suit.
The model is based on Witch Hunter Tyrus with several parts from the Metal Daemon Prince. When randomly generating this character I select the Inquisitor sage profile.

Member #2 - Codename Invidia (Envy) - Genetor Guido del Duca
Guido is a useful agent for a member of the Sepulturum. As a member of the Adeptus Biologis he assists with the understanding of the many diseases that plague the sector. It's his envy of the ability of Obliterators that drives his study ever onward but such study has come at a cost. A Laboratory experiment dealing with daemon diseases went horribly wrong. His face was all but melted off and his eyes became septic and had to be removed, his eyelids roughly sewn shut by med skulls due to not being able to report his heretical accident. He continues to make do covered in his heavy grey cloaks and behind a mask of autosenses but it's his mind and knowledge the Inquisitor is after anyway.
The model is based on Magos Delphan Gruss. When randomly generating this character I select the Tech-priest sage profile.

Member #3 - Codename Ira (Wrath) - Marco Lombardo
Marco was a farmer from the local setting. His crops were originally used to feed the livestock that feeds the Imperial Guard. His last harvest suffered terribly from the Blight that spread like crazy ahead of a plague zombie incursion. It was decided that the diseased crops would be burned to stop the spread and act as a battlefield hazard to contain the zombies. In his desperation it was expected Marco would hang up his tools and head for the hives. Instead rage at the situation gripped him, he grabbed his largest harvesting blade and marched straight into the smoking crops to reap as many undead as possible. My Inquisitor charged with the suppressing the zombie advance saw the disorientated warrior through the clouds of acrid smoke and rescued him.
The model is based on Damian Bloodhound with the intent to add a large scythe. When randomly generating this character I select the Bounty hunter fighter profile.

Member #4 - Codename Acedia (Sloth) – Arbite Parthenope Lycophron
The first of three sisters bought up in the slum of the lowest of the hive cities. She worked hard to become an Enforcer but once there realised the corruption and crime didn't change no matter how many targets she was tasked with removing throughout her career. So she stopped caring about everything, including her twin sisters that are her only family. The only solace she took was with her rifles, she was slow and methodical with them. Her approach to shooting matches her approach to life. She procrastinates and always waits for the perfect shot, even if it passes, she knows it will come again. She could show a Tau Hunter the real meaning of Kayoun. While she let life pass her by one slow minute at a time, when her sisters got deep in trouble her acedia gripped her still. It wasn't til she realised the locals who accused her sisters of witchcraft had also accused her as well that due to mob ruling she has been on the run for her very life ever since. Even the Inquisitors protection only goes so far and she must keep moving to continue her existence.
This model is based on Enforcer Barbaretta reposed into a sniping position. When randomly generating this character I select the Enforcer Marksman profile.

Member #5 – Codename Avaritia (Greed) – Publius Papinius Statius member of The Hidden Hand
This character is by far and away the least developed of the troops. I picture him as some form of demagogue or public official. His avarice got him in strife with the law but his position and oratory skills made him perfect to help influence the masses to the Inquisitors' way of thinking. It may in fact be this characters influence that seems to inadvertently corrupt the others just because of his belief structure. I need the pivotal moment of capture to have him lying bound and face down on the ground unable to move. I imagine some sort of injury to the legs at this stage requiring the use of leg braces to overcome.
This model is based on Eisenhorn with chaos conversion pack parts. When randomly generating this character I select the Cultist sage profile.

Member #6 – Codename Gula (Gluttony) – Forese Donati and Tantalus
Slave and unseen servant, Igor style, is exactly what I picture with this character. Constantly stealing food from those he served it was is compulsion for overeating that got him caught out. As punishment, and to make an example of him to the other serfs, he has been mind linked with a ravenous two headed rat. He constantly gets the feedback of the rodent's base senses, including the need to feed even though he cannot eat himself. Instead he is injected with the drugs and nutrients enough to sustain life but not quench the hunger. I see him as a sneaky character, roguish and thief like. All the while getting away with such behaviour due to the fact most people deliberately avoid looking and interacting with him.
This model is based on Emissary Fabian with special note of the use of the two headed rat familiar. When randomly generating this character I select the Mutant scout profile.

Member #7 – Codename Luxuria (Lust) – Ligeia & Leucosia Lycophron host to
Codename Vana Gloria (Vainglory) – Matilda Handmaiden of the Poxfulcrum
Psyker Twin sisters of the Enforcer character, though unlike her embraced the slum lifestyle they were born into. Once they came of age, to make ends meet and keep up their drug supply the girls willingly entered into a life of prostitution. Often working together for safety and greater rewards, the willingly gave into the lechery of their lives. It was the ability for them to enjoy the moment simultaneously that exposed them as witches. Once accused all the little slip ups in life revealed them as psykers, whilst not powerful separately potent enough together. They were strung up on a post, persecuted then the pyre beneath them was set alight. It was at this stage they cried out to the heavens for salvation and were heard.
Matilda has close ties to the Poxfulcrum. For those who don't know depending on the setting and story you heard or believe the poxfulcrum is an entity that Nurgle passes all illness through. Depending on lore she is Wife/Consort/Daughter to Nurgle. Always, Female, Elvan/Eldar, has impossible healing abilities, and is the yin to Nurgle's yang.
This model is based on both Devout sisters bound together as a single daemon host. When randomly generating this character I select the Daemon host profile, as well as toyed with the idea of an unbound daemon profile should Matilda ever break free?


No stats, so we'll come back to that when you have some.
Next up is the 20 questions. Look here:
More comprehensive here:
Answering those will really help with character building - however, if you want to avoid writing yourself into corners, I'd recommend keeping a rough limit of about 250 words (ish - more is fine, really) and letting gameplay write more of it for you.

Regarding your comments on random rolls - you might find yourself better off skipping this.
Random might initially seem fair, but as someone once liked to say on these boards "what, are the dice holding you hostage?".
For statlines, look here:
Guesstimate up or down from these rough guidelines, using background and a rule of thumb, and you shouldn't go too wrong.
Members of the Conclave can help you hammer it out further.

All that aside, let's start in on the meat of this: The characters.

So, Inquisitor Provenzano Salvani:
Quotehe will have at least one grandparent that's Eldar
No, no he won't.
Ref: Xenology book.
Eldar have a ~quintuple helix~ as compared to our own double helix. Let that sink in for a minute.
A human has a much chance of mating with an Eldar as they do of mating with a banana. And the human will have more DNA in common with the banana than the Eldar.

The only possible (probably not possible) way to combine Eldar with Human is some genetic hybridized clone.
40k science is wierd, so let's allow in the short term for this possible creature to exist, for the sake of story (I'm sure I'm blatantly ignoring that quintuple helix as I do this, so the biology students around here will doubtless correct me in short order).
Assuming the above happens, the resulting creature will be biologically sterile.
You've heard of lion/leopard crossbreeds right? Sterile.
Donkey and horse = Mule?  Sterile.
So yeah, he may be a crossbreed (we'll handwave it) but unless someone lied to him (they probably did) He's not going to have kids, and his Eldar "grandfather" will merely be the father of whatever poor Eldar got captured to donate the stem cells to make him.
Sorry if that comes across as brutal, but it's been seen time and again dating all the way back to the original Specialist Games boards, and it's an old topic.

You're perfectly welcome to suggest that the Eldar bit is part of his backstory as what he's been told as he grew up, thus part of his sinful pride. Ditto if it also caused other people/children who knew about it to shun, bully, torture, or otherwise make his life hell. Purge the Xenos and all that. Brought up as an imperial he'd likely have been conflicted, as he'd have been taught to hate Xenos, and thus half of his bilogical makeup (i.e. himself).

EDIT: Let's try a different track - the warp did it. Freak warp accident (or warp experiment) mercilessly combined an eldar and a human into a single halfbreed being, and then shrank them down to the age of a baby, with no memory of the incident. Genetically sterile, and an unknown. Possibly caused by Tzeentchian intervention. And now corrupted by Nurgle? Kind of amusing if you think about it.

Outside of this, the rest of the character works pretty well - I like that he's a broken man in a bodysock/powersuit. That's an archetype that can tend to lead to some pretty cool storytelling. Might be worth writing up his history (i'm guessing this was your character?) from your gaming sessions, or throwing the 20 questions at him.

Onto number 2:
Genetor Guido del Duca:
Generally, this is all pretty cool as an idea and archetype. Heretek AdMech character.
Without much more background there's little I can really say beyond that. I do like the idea of messing with daemonic viruses, as one of my previous topics will attest - they have a lot of play value and potential for storytelling ideas, depending on how you play them out.
See the 20 questions for more ideas to expand on.

Number 3:
Marco Lombardo:
Again, reasonably short backstory, fairly reasonable response from an enraged imperial citizen (who has clearly gotten a few loose bolts), not much else available to comment on.
I can see him working - might want to expand on him some more. Again, needs the 20 questions.
Especially to explain how or why he's part of the group.
Also if he's wrath, and to combine the theme a little more, what if he's  corrupted by Khorne? That would fit the Wrath template even more.

Number 4:
Arbite Parthenope Lycophron
Pretty good backstory idea. A little more expansion but otherwise fine. Reasonably believable that an Inquisitor might have use for a sniper or sharpshooter - what if you need to assassinate someone?
20 questions might help.

Number 5:
Publius Papinius Statius
This one gets a raised eyebrow, but that's all.
Why is he with the Inquisitor? Why wouldn't he be executed out of hand as a heretic? Who is he? Why is he a demagogue? Or Cultist?
How did he reach this position? Why? 20 questions are sorely needed here. I like that this guy may be the "Erebus" that brought it all down, but we need to see why he's been allowed to live, how he's such a manipulator, and how he was even able to reach that position in the first place.

Number 6:
Forese Donati and Tantalus
Okay, a mutant.
Surely he brings something else to the table?
Or is he just muscle that the Inquisitor, now possibly without the resources to easily acquire guardsmen/stormtroopers, is having to resort to using as a bullet magnet or meatshield? Why is he here, and what justifies him to be part of the battle for the Emperor's soul? Is he a psyker? A null? What sets him apart from the rest? 20 questions.

Number 7:
Ligeia & Leucosia Lycophron
QuoteAlways, Female, Elvan/Eldar, has impossible healing abilities, and is the yin to Nurgle's yang.
Wait, what? Again, Eldar?
Can someone point me to a reference on this?
If not I'd scrap the eldar references from this bit, and switch to just plain Nurgle possession that the Inquisitor later bound to remove the threat.

Nevermind, you're referring to Isha in 40k, right? Or here "child".
That aside, how an Eldar deity (or imitation Nurgle daemon) would possess psykers in the 40k universe (and more to the point, why) is kind of difficult to justify or explain (again, unless it's nurgle). At most it's suggested she just whispers to the living world to show them how to save themselves.
I'll work on digging up more lore, but the general implication is 'probably not' on possession from this source.
Now if it's actually Nurgle possessing them, either for his own amusement, or to try (read: fail) to 'cheer up' Isha, that could work.
Alternately, a slaaneshi daemon ( more likely) who tried to imitate Isha's effects could be suggestive - especially if you're trying to use "lust" as a theme here. Actually Slaaneshi is pretty much the only one applicable to "Lust" here. Isha, not so much.

But this entire thing is ignored or written out in the latest versions, and the poxfulcrum is largely a Fantasy thing anyway it seems, rather than a 40k issue. And even that is mostly End times shenanigans, which can be safely ignored in Inquisitor. My advice is to drop it, and focus on slaaneshi possession to highlight the "lust" thing.

Setting the above aside, a daemonhost marks your band as being firmly in the "radical" end of the Inquisitor pool.
Daemon bound into a double host is a curious idea, and has some definite interest in terms of playability - refer to the slaaneshi powers list from one of the expansion magazines to drop some properly suitable daemonic powers onto her/them (MarcoSkoll has an archive that may well contain the articles you need).
"Heretics are like cockroaches - annoying to find, and even more annoying to kill." - unattrib.


Cheers for critique and those links, I'll get onto them ASAP and see if I can't produce a more standard set of characters to post. I thought I'd throw up a little more about the setting, to give more insight to some of the more random thoughts I have, and to ease some of the concerns mentioned.

Starting with the names of my adversaries:
Inquisitor Argyle Ordo Xenos, the big man on campus of a radical bent.
Inquisitor Navy(no actual name as yet) Ordo Hereticus, lordly upstart who follows the rules.
Roguetrader San Holo, AKA Mr Black, primary benefactor and head of local underground movement.

The setting is for all intents and purposes a world spanning abattoir. What once was an Eldar maidenworld is now a heavily utilised Agriworld, with the primary resource being livestock and primary consumer the Astra Militarium. If it was an infomercial the slogan would be "meat for the grinder, for the meat for the grinder". It has its own Saint and sisterhood, a secret society of freemasons that are the butchers guild, a Nurgle infestation issue, and the Eldar want it back to cleanse it.

So lets break down the characters a little more.

Inquisitor Salvani
Poor choice of words on part, not meant to be grandparent in the traditional sense, just a largish portion of supplied DNA. I really enjoy the stuff that came with Xenology and Ligers are my number one favourite of the "almost" mythological creatures. It is suggested that Inquisitor Argyle did it! Our resident vet decided that the best way a biological manipulator could improve the human race was genetic modification. In fact Argyle's heavy hitter Agent 47 is a half/half hybrid with a standard human double helix with an additional two alien chains grafted on to for a quadruple helix. I don't understand the science behind it either, I work in construction. Anyway I was going to port that theory over to Salvani and make him the beta test with a triple helix. Salvani does not know this, he just thinks he is just better than everyone else due to "awesome" factor. Originally that particular part of the backstory was thrown in a plot device, but after talking it over its unneccessary, so happy to drop it and play up the blighted schola, fallen cleric aspect instead. Yes this was my original cleric character and he is Radical to the extreme. Seriously considered making him out and out heretical but I'm sorely tempted to play it out instead, just to see if he can redeem himself. I'm thinking Starwars episode III over VI but.....

Magos del Duca
Daemonic viruses is the schtick with which I thwack. If you could link me to said topic I would be eternally grateful. I have a few rules on the big things, Nurgle's Rot and the Obliterator Virus, but if there are more suggestions I'm open to hear them. The character himself I'm sort of struggling with but like some of the others, hopefully he'll fall in place as I develop them.

Looking at it I feel like he may need to have lost his family and sworn an oath to avenge them. This would give the character greater despair and a reason to continue fighting. One of the primary things I wanted to do by introducing the sins theme was break from the standard mold. Not everyone that gets angry works for khorne, not every psyker is enthralled to tzeentch, not every creature that has sex worships Slaanesh.

Glad you liked her basic concept, I struggled to get her to fit in until I used the daemonhost family tie in. Afterall how else am I suppose to motivate a character who by definition has no self-motivation. Hopefully I can continue to do her justice.

For the guy that is the second in command in my head, I'm at a complete loss as well. I have flipped and flopped between,  cleric, polotician, rogue trader, noble born, cartel head etc. I liked the cult of the hidden hand from the imperial cults article in white dwarf, and it could really suit my warband and the setting we will be in. No matter which way I go with the backstory for this guy I always picture him as a smooth talker not afraid to back down in a diplomatic encounter. Erebus very definately came to mind but maybe that in itself could be whats tripping me up. I suspect that when I get to doing stats and rules I'll be able to build him up and I may have to work backward to sort him out, but I'm not keen to do it.

I hadn't thought him through before, but since you brought up the point the answer just about slapped me in the face. For all intents and purposes he is Igor. His backstory should work well enough upto his punishment which was administered by del Duca. However, it was realised that mind linking him to a rat made him too unfocussed at the tasks he was assigned. Guido now utilises him as servitor since, his studies aren't really supported by the mechanicus, help is hard to find. As if being born ugly, mind melded with a rodent and being turned into a techno-slave wasn't bad enough for this guy, he is also a test subject for obliterator virus experimentation.

Ligeia, Leucosia & Matilda
Starting with the hosts, I'm glad you liked the dual host concept, I guess on the day my hot cup of tea was truly inspirational. not sure how best to represent or manage them mechanically as a single character but I suspect that will be easier than trying to run multiple characters as a single model. As for Matilda, I'll explain her out a little better and see what you think, she does hold a little place in my heart (not just because I'm Australian) so loathe to drop her entirely.That said I am open to changes and suggestions, I like her as a concept but never considered her as a character until recently. To answer some of the questions, yes the current Poxfulcrum in 40k is Isha. She has not been written out but is largely ignored, which is why I like the idea so much. I'm always more liberal than literal when it comes to mythology and the warp, and I think that is how it should be. Matilda herself is not the Poxfulcrum, she is a handmaiden.
Handmaidens are a daemon type of my own creation for my Nurgle daemon armies. Basically I wanted to reinforce my plaguey theme but paint something a little different. I used them regularly as plaguebearers or as daemonettes, depending on my whim, and were made from a variety of elfy and daemonic parts. The fluff behind them, because I have to have a reason for these sorts of things, is they were created by Nurgle (who does love Isha in his own twisted way) made her some servants to entertain and wait on her. They are creations of Nurgle and are loyal to him, but have a softness and elegance about them in a twisted parody of elven form. On the battlefield while the plaguebearers tally the infected, the handmaidens count the cured when they report back its the difference between them that allows Nurgle to keep score.
I want Matilda to be some form of daemonic exalted champion of these gals. A female herald of Nurgle with her own agendas, but I'm not sure how much further to take it or if I'm heading in the right direction. When I picture what a handmaiden would be like in my mind, I usually think of Typhiod, one of the bad guys from the movie Elektra.


Well, on daemonic viruses, my musics are here:

For the record, that entire post is a (really bad) joke, take nothing in terms of the characters seriously (but if you figure out the reference, you get a cookie).
The virus stuff is my own musings further down the thread on reasons as to how or why someone might get regeneration or Wyrd:Regenerate as abilities.

RE: The Inquisitor. The half-eldar thing could work if "the warp did it" (wonderful excuse). Maybe you could even tie your Magos in further as being the one messing with human/eldar combinations using channeled warp chambers in imitation of what the Emperor did with the Primarchs, plus some messing about with viruses.
Of course if you'd rather leave it behind than go messing with it, that's cool too - the existing 'broken man in bodysock of power armour' is still a cool character type to play with.

For the Igor bit, I like the idea of tying him in as the Magos' muscle and test subject. That puts him right in the middle of it and works very nicely.

Finally, RE: the daemonhost - I'm still not 100% on how Nurgle would fit in with the 'Lust' theme.
I do like the idea of Matilda being a handmaiden/Herald of Nurgle - we don't often see a lot of non-slaaneshi female daemons in my experience, and I can't think of any canon reason why they wouldn't exist, so this is a good thing. The trick will be tying her  (as a Nurglite daemon) to the 'Lust' theme. Unless she lusts after people she comes across (in a twisted, 'i want to infect you' sort of way - though whether that's 'infect with love' or just 'infect you muahahaha' is up for debate I guess. Maybe becoming Herald of Nurgle warped her mind in this regard. Is she an ascended creature/cultist?).

Everything else looks fine, and will probably be quite good given the 20 questions treatment (I've found it invaluable to making my characters more believable (or less terrible in my case)).
"Heretics are like cockroaches - annoying to find, and even more annoying to kill." - unattrib.


Sorry, this isn't really a complete post, but I started writing thoughts a couple of days ago and then real life happened and I've only just got back to it and cleaned up the still (slightly) relevant parts.

Quote from: Saearath on March 01, 2016, 07:23:58 AMWe have tried the original exterminatus random character generator and while we were happier with the outcomes from it, for the most part, our characters are already too specific to just roll up.
There's not a lot of love for random generators around here. It's not a reliable way of balancing characters (a stat that's too high is too high even if it was random) and dice aren't smart enough to know what the character should be like.

It can result in interesting twists if you're writing (or re-writing) the character around the rolls, (for example, my last Dark Heresy assassin lost about 20cm off her originally planned height due to a rather low Strength roll), but if you've already got ideas in your head to begin with, I'd go with the all manual approach.

QuoteInstead rage at the situation gripped him, he grabbed his largest harvesting blade and marched straight into the smoking crops to reap as many undead as possible. My Inquisitor charged with the suppressing the zombie advance saw the disorientated warrior through the clouds of acrid smoke and rescued him.
What about him lead the Inquisitor to deem him worthy of rescue and, at the next stage, keeping on as an agent?
The "An Inquisitor sees a badass killing something and then recruits him" is a bit of a cliché in Inquisitor backgrounds. (The more egregious version is when it involves rescuing the Inquisitor at the same time*).

Not to say that it's impossible, but Inquisitors have seen a lot in their lives - they're not that easy to impress, they can recruit pretty much anyone they want from a massive list of exemplary records or medal citations, and they usually have a network of cells in which they can put new agents to the test before assigning them to their own personal retinue.

A very large majority of the characters in my warbands are individuals their Inquisitor (or other boss) specifically sought out to recruit - and when they're not, they're often those the Inquisitor had seconded for an investigation and been impressed with over time**. With that in mind, I'd suggest thinking about what made Lombardo stand out to Salvani.

* I'll admit that this one did creep into the background I wrote for Leander last year, but if there's one character who can plausibly get an Inquisitor out of a situation he couldn't on his own, it's her. What's the point in building a 54mm scale Warhound titan if you can't write about her being a (literally) Big Damn Hero from time to time?
**For an example, Inquisitor Skoll originally met Arbitrator Giovanna Ciris because he needed an Arbitrator with local knowledge for an investigation. He "borrowed" her from the local Arbites on the basis of her good record, but also her modest rank (making for less fuss with the command structure). However, over the three months of that investigation, she proved herself well enough that Skoll recruited her permanently. (It also turned out that she's a mild psychic blank).

QuoteArbite Parthenope Lycophron [snip] She worked hard to become an Enforcer
As a point of pedantry, Arbitrators and Enforcers aren't quite the same. Arbitrators are an Adeptus, but Enforcers are locally based law enforcement. Enforcers are usually less well funded, but the important difference is that Arbitrators are beholden to the Imperium, Enforcers usually serve the local governor (be that planetary, city, etc).

QuoteIt wasn’t til she realised the locals who accused her sisters of witchcraft had also accused her as well that due to mob ruling she has been on the run for her very life ever since. Even the Inquisitors protection only goes so far and she must keep moving to continue her existence.
A local mob (not usually noted for good funding or equipment) tracking down someone on a trek across multiple planets to the point that even an Inquisitor can't properly protect her? It would make sense as a reason to have left in the first place, and a reason to not go back, but that strikes me as more than a little implausible.

I could see it add up if she's not very loyal and Salvani uses that as a lie in order to keep her working for him (perhaps occasionally hiring a local thug or three to "find her" if her commitment seems to waver)... but at that point, I'd wonder why he wants to keep her around.
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles