The Conclave

The Ordos Majoris - Hobby, Painting and Modelling => Inquisitor Game Discussion => Topic started by: PKBrennan666 on November 08, 2023, 08:59:43 PM

Title: Converting Necromunda stat cards to Inquisitor
Post by: PKBrennan666 on November 08, 2023, 08:59:43 PM
I've done a search but have come up with any discussions on how to convert the new Necromunda stat cards to Inquisitor. Right now I have got Scrutinator-Primus Servalen and her cyber-mastiff, which is a doddle using the Enforcer stats, but the Doctor Arachnos figure I have might be a little more complex...

So I thought it would be wise to ask how you all went about things vis a vis bringing in minis from Necromunda and Kill Team (especially as I have one Inquisitoral Agents boxed set made up and another on order along with two boxes of Arbites [on the same order]). I also have the old metal Ordo Hereticus boxed set floating around...
Title: Re: Converting Necromunda stat cards to Inquisitor
Post by: MarcoSkoll on November 14, 2023, 06:38:06 AM
Sorry for a slow response - we're not that busy any more, so I tend to not drop in every day. (I should see if I can set up an e-mail digest that tells me when the site is active).

Generally I wouldn't worry too much about converting stats directly; Inquisitor is a different breed of game to Necromunda - something I tend to describe as "tabletop improv theatre" - and so trying to convert from Necromunda would a bit like a novelist trying to work out how to write Marneus Calgar based on just his WH40K statline. Sure, you get to know how hard he can hit and all that, but it doesn't tell you much about how to make him an interesting character for a story.

As far as the general question about how to stat a character, my normal advice is summed up in the Conclave Standard ( article on our Carthax wiki.

But as I say, that's only part of the story. With an Inquisitor character, there's generally some kind of a hook that makes them an interesting character to be part of the story you're telling on the tabletop, rather than just the latest badass stoically caving in heads for the Emperor. You want to look at how you want this character to feel in play, and make sure you represent that in the character sheet you put together.

One of my favourite examples of this amongst my characters is Sgt Daniela Kronen, who's supposed to be a tunnel fighter from Mordant Prime (I saw a sketch in WD284 many years ago and decided that I was having that character in my warband), who gets a special rule that because she's used to fighting in the gloom, she halves penalties for darkness. This isn't a particularly powerful ability (some equipment completely negates darkness), but when it comes into play it makes her feel like she is genuinely a close-quarters fighter from a night world.

Of course, some things like character personality and morality can be beyond the scope of a character sheet*, and are up to you to handle in play, but look at what parts of these characters you want to represent in their sheets.

* Although rules can sometimes encourage certain personality traits - stuff like "Character is at -1 speed if he's separated from his Heirloom sword as he is distracted by thoughts of dishonouring his family" can add some zest. (I recommend against hard phrasing like "Character must immediately attempt to recover their heirloom sword if they lose it" because that can result in characters doing bluntly stupid things).