The Conclave

The Ordos Majoris - Roleplay => In Character => Topic started by: zasapamasawasa on June 06, 2010, 07:54:20 AM

Title: Tau fanfic (short)
Post by: zasapamasawasa on June 06, 2010, 07:54:20 AM
Shas'la Vior'la Kauyon centered the crosshairs in the sight of his pulse carbine on the head of the humans Inquisitor. Using the head-up display in his helmet, he sent a brief text message to the leader of their team, Mont'ka: Now?
Mont'ka responded with a nod of his head, so Kauyon perfected his aim, muttered a prayer for luck to Tau'va, and squeezed the trigger. There was a flash of iridescent blue, and Inqisitor Phobias's head was blown straight off his shoulders in a spray of blood. As soon as the kill had been confirmed, Kauyon sent a text message to the battlesuit-clad N'sika in the concealed cave below: Move. N'sika rushed out from his hiding place at nearly thirty miles per hour, opening fire with his fusion cannon as he did so. Within seconds the human fireteam was eliminated. As his companions rushed down the rocky slope to recover the corpses, Kauyon opened a vocal link with the Tau ship in orbit. "This is Shas'la Kauyon to Command. Misson accomplished, requesting immediate  pickup, over."
As the orange tranporter beam enveloped him and his comrades, Kauyon felt a sense of great pride and relief, and was once again thankful to the Tau'va for his good fortune.