The Conclave

The Ordos Majoris - Hobby, Painting and Modelling => The Dark Millennium => Topic started by: Elva on July 30, 2010, 02:23:48 AM

Title: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on July 30, 2010, 02:23:48 AM
Here's my attempt at Elva mark III. I'm going to be posting a couple versions as they come to me, and I want to know what you think of each one individually, and eventually which one is the best. This one is much better than my last one, which I didn't post because it was so full of hollywood cheese. Its from her marksman's perspective, a former Imperial Guerrilla by the name of Kaede Nisho. I'm on the fence with it, there's a lot that I like, and some things I dislike. I'm looking forward to some good, honest feedback.

So, you want to hear of the Emperor's Valkyrie do you? Well, there's not much to tell. She started with nothing, and became one of the Imperium's greatest assets in the Segmentium Pacificus. I admire her for it, and my long las makes its mark because I believe in the fact that her orders are for the good of humanity. Many have been in a situation similar to hers, I being one of them. However what makes her stand tall above the others, is the fact that she came to where she is today, be it luck talent skill, or whatever the Frag you want to call it. The point is she knows what she is doing, and has the guts and competence to back it up.

She started off like millions, if not billions do, some poor runt surviving a warzone. I can relate to the terror she felt, which I guess is the reason why she chose me for her retune; we children of war have a knack for doing a good job and appreciating what we got, we wouldn't have that in any other circumstances. In fact, that was the big stepping stone that made her what she is today, though that is a story for later on.

Some say that she was an Imperial officer's daughter, conceived by the spoiled bastard, who left her mother to die when the front shifted in the enemy's favor. I've known her for a long time, and I can tell you that a good part of that is true, though most of the details have been lost or warped over time.

She was found by a patrol of Mordian Iron Guard in no man's land, covered in soot and smoke, her bright blonde hair contrasting with the brown and grays of the ruined city. They took her in and they grew quite attached to her, the family she never had. I envy her for it, however fate plays an unfair and biased game.

Elva, as she referred to herself, the name most likely given to her for her fey like appearance, was taken to the Schola Progenium at the age of seven. She showed high on the aptitude scores, though she often detested physical activity and questioned teachers constantly. This earned her a bad reputation, however she eventually learned to keep it to herself, only making fun of her mentors behind their backs, as her body could not take the beatings much more.

Finally a prodigy student, she became a commissar in the Delvanian Eighth, a bunch of quirky and charismatic aerial drop specialists. She faced her first battles with confidence, now being able to hold her own against those who would do her harm, not to mention having some of the best troopers in the sector on her side. She fought along side them for a good decade, never once having to make a field execution on her own charges, though some troops from other regiments, even a couple officers were a different story.

Needless to say, she was saddened to be transferred to the planetary defenses of the aerial world of Arkonis, a world of floating technologically advanced cities that hadn't seen war or strife in millennia. Upon arriving, she was sickened by the lack of discipline and amount luxury that not only the civilians, but her charges were accustomed to. After her first day of duty, she gained a reputation as a "hard ass" amongst her troops, though she didn't feel too kindly about them either.

This continued for several months, both sides living a constant hell because of the other. Elva carried the will of the Imperium, so they had to follow her orders out of fear of death and what little honour they had being stripped, though they fought her at every turn they could get away with, their most useful tool being alienation. The stupid fools had met their match however as their weak spirits could not compete with that of the commissar.

While this little civil dispute went on, trouble brewed beneath the sparkling domes of the utopia. In the deeper, secluded areas of the city, mutants and the twisted worshippers of Nurgle began to prepare an uprising on the unsuspecting and naïve city. Dressed in ancient quarantine garb, an ironic choice, they stormed their way up through the lower areas, reaching the surface before a defense could be mounted.

Elva stood in the front rank, ready to do battle as she had done a thousand time before, though she had serious doubts about her troops. As the horde approached, the men grew nervous. It came closer, now daemons and plague zombie amongst their ranks. Elva smiled, victory would be simple if they just kept a decent volley going, the enemy was poorly equipped and led. However, her men broke.

The cowards fled, pushing and shoving each other in a chaotic mess. Many of the enemy laughed, though the commissar blew a couple of their heads off. She knew the battle was lost, so she prepared for a salvage mission. She ran to the archives, taking short cuts she had made note of when she made her plans for defense. Having not enough ammunition to take out them all, she simply shot the officers in charge of any fleeing guardsmen. In the archives, she took the relic tech data that made the kept city prosperous and made it to the top of the building where she set up a beacon for immediate retrieval, hoping that an Imperial ship was near. To her luck, the Mars Class, Justice was in orbit and sent a shuttle to retrieve her.

The Captain was happy to know that the data was safe, meaning that they could deal with the rebellion in a "proper naval fashion". The city was shot down from orbit and fell from the sky into the acidic and gaseous surface of the planet.

Inquisitor Vash took notice of her exploits, and gave her an official invite to his retune, which she accepted, having enough of dealing with guard for awhile.

She served loyally for a couple years, and was responsible for the deaths of many enemies of the Imperium, even slaying the corrupted preacher of Alloyte. She was awarded an acolyteship after beating a summoned deamonette back to the warp with her bare hands on Kaloden. She later became a full ranking inquisitor many years later.

She gained a reputation for her brutality towards her enemies, and respect for bravery, earning her her famous title, "The Emperor's Valkyrie". And if you're wondering, the rumors are true, she tamed a Xeno, though he's not as vicious as one would think, at least to anyone she doesn't tell him to kill.

She's a striking figure, six foot two and gaunt and skinny as a bloody Eldar. She keeps her light blonde hair short, and her steel blue eyes will pierce your soul.

Her character is about what you'd expect. She's often quite, though that usually means that she's thinking, and there's not much that can get in her way when she comes up with a strategy or plan. She's a natural born survivor, able to think and get her way out of almost any situation. Despite her anti social tendencies, she has a strong charisma about her, people tend to like her a lot, myself being no exception.

She can't stand most vegetables for some odd reason, preferring fruits, grain and meat for her meals, especially the meat, she's an avid connoisseur of the stuff and knows more types than I have confirmed kills. Though how she can eat the amount she does and stay so thin, is a mystery. That must be one hell of a metabolism.

If I were you, I'd keep my wits about with her, she might just figure out what you're trying to hide. Her logic isn't something to be underestimated. In fact, she often says that logic and order are what separate us from Chaos, and that as soon as we abandon them we become what we fight to destroy, though sometimes adaptation is necessary. Trust me; in battle we follow her orders to the letter. She coordinates our efforts as she knows our strengths and specialties better than we do at times.

So now you've heard the ballad of the Valkyrie herself, I hope it keeps your soul preoccupied as you pray for forgiveness in the afterlife.

Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on July 30, 2010, 09:32:26 PM
Here's attempt number two, which I am kind of exited about. I hope you like it as much as I do. :)

The name's Elva, desperado soldier of the deathlands. How'd a rogue dog like me end up an Inquisitor, you ask? Well, I guess the Emperor likes me, how else would I end up one of his faithful servants? Many have wondered how I keep this outgoing attitude after years of seeing the dark side of humanity. I've often wondered myself, struggling to make sense of my twisted psyche. However, in all my years of travelling the Segmentium Pacificus, I've learned that no matter how much knowledge we gain, we will never truly understand the miracle that is the human, or even the Xeno mind. Daemons, I hear, are even worse, however that is not my field of expertise.

So you'd like to hear my tale? Well, I've got a few hours before I have to execute any traitors or sympathizers, though you didn't hear it from me.

My home was a barren ash world. Well that's what they called the black and gray soot that covered it. The Imperium didn't bother much with us, nothing really worth the effort of taking or tithing. I was born in the Necropolis, that's what we called our cities, of Pompeii to a self appointed official and his mistress. Needless to say, I was glad to leave the bastard's house when I could fend for myself, taking off with a band of my mates to raid and pillage those foolish enough to cross our path in the barren plains and hills outside the walled fortress cities.

And raid and pillage we did, gaining riches beyond our wildest dreams, the equivalent of middleclass hivers. We grew powerful and strong, with followers, supporters and contacts beyond that of most Necropoli states. I fell into the position of leader, it seemed I had the charisma my father lacked.

A few years passed, and my father followed a similar, yet less honest path to power. He now ruled over Pompeii, while, I ruled over the vastness of the wasteland. He constantly tried to destroy us at every turn, however we were the superior force over his pathetic militias, many prisoners joining our ranks. I had long abandoned my given name for the alias that I carry to this day.

The people dubbed to us heroes, however, we were just a bunch of thieves with a scrap of honor who were merely doing their best to survive. That's how I met my future mentor, though it could just as easily been the death of me.

On an investigation, attempting to meet with a contact, Inquisitor Ordello happened to be the target of me and some of my best charges. From his look, the pompus ass seemed to be a wealthy off world noble with an odd group of bodyguards. We attacked, ambushing from the dunes lining the road and striking like lightning with brutal efficiency. We didn't stand a chance.

Our freshies, as we called them, were the first to go. In his large, extravagant green outfit, I never expected the Inquisitor to have such skill with the two bolt pistols he kept concealed in his cape. My best men and I where pinned, only able to return the occasional burst with our las rifles.

I decided we'd met out finally me our match. I was about to order a retreat, maybe calling in one of our four warbirds if we could make it to a safe enough distance. Our commsman was just sending the message when his back and vox pack exploded with a large burst. We instinctively turned, but the only sign of our assailant was a slight ripple of her shape coming closer. Before we could fire, Jak, Karl, and Brigin were in pools of their own blood. Damien and myself threw our weapons down as a strange looking woman with short black hair and slanted eyes materialized before us and pointed her weapon at us.

We were brought before the Inquisitor himself. His preacher took no time to give us the lecture about how we attacked a most holy of servants. The Inquisitor stopped his henchman and introduced himself, actually kissing my hand and treating me like a proper lady, I wasn't sure to be insulted or flattered. He proceeded a flirty conversation, but I cut it short when I said that I was more interested in his stealth operative, who proceeded to jab my back with her weapon. He laughed, saying that I wasn't half bad, and that he'd spare me if I offered my services as a guide. I agreed, I had a card or two to play if things got out of hand, and it wouldn't hurt to get on the Imperium's good side.

He questioned me extensively about the area, which I answered truthfully, though not giving any details away about my army of desperados.

As it turned out, his contact was known by my agents to be executed within the week in Pompeii. Though immune to his masculine charms, I agreed to assist him in his efforts to free the prisoner. I told Damien to head back to the base and wait for further instructions. Ordello let him go.

We made it to the Necropolis in his vehicle, the people starred in awe at the strange band of travelers, though many took interest in my well known brown great coat and gas mask, which I covered my face with should someone on the off chance recognize me.

We came to the ruling house, memories flooding my mind.  As we were waiting in the lobby Ordello turned to me and said something that caught me off guard. "Having a bout of Nostalgia?" he asked. I merely nodded once I regained my composure. He smiled. "Incase things go wrong, I recommend keeping your safety off." I saluted and made the adjustments to my gun. We were invited down to the cell were my father was waiting. I stayed in the back of the group.

Inside the dungeon, Ordello began to converse with my parent about the terms of the prisoner's release. The greedy official was asking for too much, billions of credits and archeo tech for a planet that was not worth the investment. I gave him a cold stare through my mask.

The tyrant noticed my garb and began to scream. "Its one of them! The bandits of the wasteland!"

Ordello just grinned. "I have no idea of what you are talking about my good sir. She is a loyal servant of the Imperium and she kindly offered me passage through her lands."

"Those lands belong to me! She is an enemy of Pompeii!"

"Well then," the Inquisitor said, reaching into his cape and pulling out a metal object. I braced myself for what was to come. "If a servant of the Imperium is an enemy of yours than you're an enemy of mine." He had fallen into the trap. My father's eyes were the size of a Larnack's egg.

With a lightning quick motion, Ordello brought his pistol out and shot one of the guards. Sensing his unsaid orders, I shot my hated father straight in the chest, followed by several bursts, in the same general vicinity. He fell on the ground and the warband split into combat formation. I walked over to the dying man and removed my mask, saying the words before he died, "Give my regards to Mother." then joined into the fray.

After order was restored, Ordello offered me a proposal. I join his retune, and my men would become the local defense force under an Imperial Governor. I accepted, sick and tired of the blasted hell hole and wanting to see the galaxy.

We travelled on his investigations, and my skills proved a valuable asset. I slew the Xeno tainted preacher of Alcol and fought off a war party of the natives of K'lasu. My finest moment was when I stood back to back with Ordello against a horde of cultists on Geroma, gunning down them down until they fled. For such an act I was promoted to an Acolyte, which I accepted with great honor. I developed a friendship with his stealth operative, Kaede, she still serves in my warband, and is often my trump card.

I spent a good twenty six years at Ordello's side until I was ready to make it on my own. I was sort of sad to see his charming, yet despicable mug for the last time, I still miss the bastard, but I take with me his lessons and ideals.

The rest you've probably heard already. I destroyed the paradise world of Hunata for its corruption within, I tamed a dangerous Xeno, who can be quite the pet when it suits him. I destroyed the Hrud infestation aboard the Fury of Mars, and made a truce with CraftWorld of Jakura. I could go on, but I am not as vain as my mentor.

I fight so that hivers like you can toil away in blissful ignorance, unaware of the horrors that beset man. I hope that if you see another Inquisitor again, you don't approach them as you did me, not all of such a literal love of humanity as I do.

Anyways, my shuttle should be here soon and I have things to do. It would be a shame if there was a riot do distract that Magos from his study, he wouldn't want to meet me after the stuff he's been dabbling in.

Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Zakkeg on July 31, 2010, 06:24:07 PM
Well, from an editorial standpoint I'd have to say they could both use major rewrites (mainly for cleanup purposes). But the core concepts are interesting and mostly sound, which is always the most important thing.

While reading the first I wondered why on Terra an Inquisitor would be so forthcoming? They're members of a profession wherein one's life expectancy is often inversely proportional to one's capacity for honesty and trust. Then as I started the second, a thought occurred to me: why not use both?

The idea is that she's given her followers several mutually contradictory backstories. They can thus be as cheesy and Hollywood-ised as you like, and you can more or less throw canon out the window; it's (probably) all a pack of lies anyway. The second story would require a change in perspective, but the whole thing strikes me as very Inquisitorial. Of course, it may not suit your view of Elva's personality and outlook (something the contradictory nature of the two stories leaves rather difficult to get a handle on), but if that's the case then no worries - I might just make use of the concept myself...
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on July 31, 2010, 06:50:01 PM
Ya, I got the lecture from my Grammar Police friend, though he gave a me a good technique for fixing it. I was slightly worried about her being forth coming as well, however it can be justified by the fact that what she said has no real consequences(that I can see at least), other than spreading a bit of fear, and she isn't as anti-social as most inquisitors. Plus she is protected by the fact that anything she says could be a lie(though it probably isn't with her, but the average hiver wouldn't know that).

Hmmm, an interesting proposition, though she wouldn't lie unless she had good reason to, she doesn't get into the habit of lying for the sake of lying. Its a good idea, and I'd be happy to use it, it just doesn't suit her character though.

Hehe, I'd prefer to keep it as anti-hollywood as possible, as a godless commie and aspiring writer and artist, I am insulted by that city's wealth gap and sheer excess decadence, not to mention the fact that the butcher every story and plot they get their hands on into unrealistic and warped pieces that only appeal to the lowest common denominator.

However these are just different versions of the same character. I'm going to do a couple more, then see which one I like best and how they go over with everyone on the 'clave, then clean it up and polish it. Right now I just want to get my ideas down and refined, then focus on the story telling methods.

Thanks for the feedback! Its given me a better picture of where I am :)
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on July 31, 2010, 08:59:14 PM
Attempt number three. I might add some more to this, but its helping me get in the mood for the warband. Things changed again, Kaede is no longer a special opperative with a cloaking device, but a philisophcial sniper from some world similar to the orient. Higgins, well he's just Higgins. The Q'orl was only mentioned, however it gives him a slightly more sinister vibe.

I find the more I write about her, the more I get an idea of what my mind intended her to be like, as some things stay the same while others are eroded until I find something that represents her in that aspect.

So, even if I don't use it, I hope it keeps you all entertained for a minute or two.

"Higgins, are you awake?"

The sleeping guardsman grunted and rolled over in his cot. The markswoman sighed and thought for a moment.

"Oi! Look lively now, time for inspection!"

Earl Higgins eye's opened instantly and he swung out of his cot and stood at attention. "My apologies Inquisitor. I was very tired."

Kaede laughed. Higgins looked down.

"Why aren't ya'll standing? And where is Commander Elva?"

"Baka, she's not here. I just wanted to talk for a bit, and you were trapped in the land of dreams."

"I don't have time for your voodoo nonsense. Now if ya'll excuse me, I've got some shut eye to catch."

He closed his eyes and was about to fall back into his trance, when Kaede said something.

"I'm worried about Elva, she's becoming more and more obsessed with that Xeno, its not natural."

"For Terra's sake, it's a fraggin' big bug. I've killed plenty back home, and I could do it again if it decides to screw with us. This bloody swarmhood crap that the Inquisitor keeps on referring to it as is just another term for a bunch of weak bugs that will end up as paste when I'm through with them."

"No, its not that we couldn't handle it alone, it's just that what if she has more on her side? What if she's been corrupted by them? It's happened before. And there was the time when the Imperium lost contact with her for several months, then she turned up with the creature, and claimed that she could control it, even converse with it through writing. Which proved truthful, however even though she passed the bioscan, her behavior is very suspicious an erratic."

"She's a bloody hero. She led the heroic charge at Kalour and slew the corrupted Cardinal herself, not to mention holding out behind enemy lines until reinforcements could make it."

"Heroes can fall. History is full of examples. And that's all the more reason to be cautious, she's very powerful and strong willed."

The guardsman groaned. "So if she does happen to be "corrupted", are you going to try and stop her? Report her to the lords of Terra? Maybe even a Space Marine, they would surely listen to a nobody sniper who talks about the "flow of energy" crap all the time over a Holy Servant of the God Emperor."

Kaede thought for a moment. "No, I wouldn't. Even if my suspicions are correct, I would still follow her to the Eye of Terror and back. She gave me purpose, and has never let me get into anything I couldn't handle."

"See, there ya'll go, she may be a pompus bitch who is too concerned about discipline and order, but she doesn't let anything happen to her charges, which is why I put up with her crap. Now if you don't mind, I'm tired and would like a little shut eye before she wakes us up for inspection. Bloody Praetorians, they care more about doing the job right than getting' it done."

He muttered himself to sleep.

Kaede lay down back in her bunk.

Was Elva really working for the Q'orl? Or was she using their own tactics against them? There was enough evidence to support either theory, however they both meant powerful enemies would be stalking the retune at every turn, and Kaede would be stalking them.

*  *  *

Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Flinty on August 02, 2010, 07:47:13 AM
Ah, I much prefer the third version, both as a bit of writing and as background. Im a firm believer that to give too much detail ends up constraining or pushing the character places you might not necessarily want to go - less is more I suppose.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Zakkeg on August 02, 2010, 04:13:59 PM
What Flinty said. Still not without its problems, but a great improvement nonetheless.

By the way, cheers for inspiring me earlier. I've taken that idea I mentioned a couple of posts up and run with it. I suppose I'll show it here (the Conclave, I mean, not here in particular) at some point, but that's not why I mention it. It may never have occurred to me if not for this thread, so I just wanted to say: I owe you one!
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on August 02, 2010, 07:06:20 PM
hehe, glad I could be of service  :). I wasn't a huge fan of this one, but it gives me a base for my next attempt, now that I know what I did right.

Attempt number four is in progress, and I'll post it asap.
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on August 05, 2010, 12:24:30 AM
Here's some work on her other than her past. Its given me a good idea of who she is rather than just a vague feeling. I'm curious as to how I'm doing. Hope you enjoy :)

Personality: Elva is one of the brightest tacticians of her age, which she can back up with a natural charisma that keeps her enemies few, and allies many. However, her caution is overridden by her curiosity and fascination for information, which she constantly is attempting to get her hands on, whether it's ancient human or xeno archeotech, or forbidden history. She cares deeply about the people who she is in charge of, knowing that they are what keep her operations and investigations going, and will go out of her way to ensure their safety. Combat is like a light drug on her. She loves the satisfaction of taking out an enemy and getting shot at without being hit to the point were she can be reckless at times.

Though her risks are often calculated and are backed up in case something goes wrong. She is a master of outwitting her enemies and can lead most foes into cleverly planned traps and webs of deceit. She knows hers and her charges strengths almost to the letter, however she often disregards her own when she is swept up in combat.

She is a "gentleman" when in human social situations and is talented at reading peoples expressions as well as being as cunning as she is on the field.

Beliefs: Being an opportunist of high caliber, Elva is willing to utilize xenoid assistance, be it personal or technological, for the greater good of humanity. She respects most of her xenoid foes, as long as they are somewhat civilized. She respects soldiers, no matter the race, for they give their lives for their people and ideals, and it is sad that their goals must bring them up against each other, however she will come out on top with no hard feelings.

As for the Emperor, his corpse is a puppet of the Lords of Terra, and if he ever comes back will unite the people, hopefully for the better. But for now things are functioning just fine.

Combat Style: In the early stages of engagement, Elva is a commanding presence and cool and calm. Gradually, as the firefight progresses, she brings her small force closer and closer as she gets high on the adrenaline. At close quarters range, she gains high levels of energy and looses it in a fury of blows upon any unfortunate enemies. From there, it grows until the conflict is over as she gradually looses steam, and often laughs happily. This mind set has often been theorized to have been contributed to by her days in the Imperial Guard, where her regiment's main tactics were of a similar nature, however her extreme indulgment was very rare amongst the unit. 

Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: MarcoSkoll on August 05, 2010, 01:20:01 AM
The description of her personality rather reminds me of one of my own characters, Frost.
Well, it's more her talents and methods than the actual personality - Frost is not curious, reckless or caring (although she definitely likes combat) - but they seem to share things like the tactical mastery, cunning and talent to read/manipulate people. (Frost also almost certainly has more enemies and less allies.)

That's not a bad thing - while she's not a nice person, Frost can be the core of some pretty interesting stories, because the fact that she doesn't just rely on her exceptional combat skills really forces me to think about intelligent solutions to a problem rather than just resorting to a bloodbath.
(Although in-game, it usually comes down to the bloodbath. I'm not really up to portraying her brilliance unless I have time to think. Although if I'm GMing, and have had time to plan ahead, it can be a different matter.)

It's a combination that's easy to say a character can do, but takes work to write - rewarding if you do though. A total shame if wasted.

QuoteAs for the Emperor, his corpse is a puppet of the Lords of Terra
Well, that's a radical belief if I've ever heard one. Combined with her relationships with Xenos, I assume she doesn't make much of this public (else I can't see her maintaining the popularity she's supposed to...)
Title: Re: Inquisitor Backstory Rough Drafts
Post by: Elva on August 06, 2010, 12:41:53 AM
I've read the Blue Planet RPG rules recently, and it has really inspired me, especially for this particular backstory. I'm re-posting the personality just so it can be compared with the backstory easily. I love stories that leave questions like this, and again, I was really influenced by Blue Planet. I hope you enjoy, There may be some things I might have missed, so I hope they can get picked out. I didn't do anything really creative for its form this time, instead focusing my energy on its content. Hope you enjoy!  ;D

Personality: Elva is one of the brightest tacticians of her age, which she can back up with a natural charisma that keeps her enemies few, and allies many. However, her caution is overridden by her curiosity and fascination for information, which she constantly is attempting to get her hands on, whether it's ancient human or xeno archeotech, or forbidden history. She cares deeply about the people who she is in charge of, knowing that they are what keep her operations and investigations going, and will go out of her way to ensure their safety. Combat is like a light drug on her. She loves the satisfaction of taking out an enemy and getting shot at without being hit to the point were she can be reckless at times.

Though her risks are often calculated and are backed up in case something goes wrong. She is a master of outwitting her enemies and can lead most foes into cleverly planned traps and webs of deceit. She knows hers and her charges strengths almost to the letter, however she often disregards her own when she is swept up in combat.

Beliefs: Being an opportunist of high caliber, Elva is willing to utilize xenoid assistance, be it personal or technological, for the greater good of humanity. She respects most of her xenoid foes, as long as they are somewhat civilized. She respects soldiers, no matter the race, for they give their lives for their people and ideals, and it is sad that their goals must bring them up against each other, however she will come out on top with no hard feelings.

As for the Emperor, his corpse is a puppet of the Lords of Terra, and if he ever comes back will unite the people, hopefully for the better. But for now things are functioning just fine.


Elva was born on the frontier world of Atlantia. Atlantia is a tropical world with a six to nine percent landmass and is known throughout the Segemntium Pacificus for its advanced genetic technology and diversity, largely due to several unclassified substances found in its deeper undersea trenches. In fact, the native humans had gained almost fishlike traits such as faster swimming and in some cases, gills.

The Imperial forces fought a hard war against the guerrilla sub-human tribes and illegal activity on the oceans and archipelagos. Elva was born to a pair of scientists who were attempting to unravel the secrets of the strange materials that lay in the deep, hostile waters of the planet. However, despite being raised by a science oriented family, she fancied herself more of a historian, and would read files upon files about her homeworld and the Imperium's history, even several that were not meant for her eyes.

To her parent's dismay, in her late teens she joined the local marine assault corp and developed a love for fighting and killing the sub-humans. She rose to the rank of captain and soon earned a name for herself as a hero.

Years into her career, Inquisitor Ordello came to her homeworld on an investigation involving an unknown force that was manipulating events on the world. His first job was to execute several important figures on the suspicion of being unknowingly tainted. Elva was assigned to his retune as an escort with her unit as he was investigating the influence on the natives. Though annoyed by his constant flirting, Elva proved a valuable asset to the inquisitor with her experience in dealing with the sub-humans.

After capturing and dissecting several influenced leaders, the only trace was taint was small nano technology that was more advanced than any known species in the sector. Ordello ruled out the Eldar, knowing that this bore the markings of something much older than any known species.

Again he requested Elva's unit to join him in investigating the deep trenches, the influenced targets all having some connection to them. There they stumbled upon an ancient underwater structure, guarded by strange fish like creatures that were beyond regular human comprehension and intelligence. They barely managed to make it out alive, arriving in a pirate base which they stormed, despite their fatigue, in order to access the communication systems to call in assistance from the Aptuides Astres.

Even with two companies of space marines on the assault, the second attack received heavy casualties. The creatures possessed power enough to disintegrate entire submersibles. However Ordello still pressed on, knowing that this structure was older than humanity itself, probably dating close to the beginning of all life in the galaxy. They finally managed to breach the sub-aquatic defenses and Ordello took his retune, Elva and several squads of regular space marines and terminators into the crone structure.

The battle seemed hopeless, however even after loosing three of his warband and countless battle brothers, the structure was cleansed of the beings and reinforcements arrived to relieve the almost broken Imperial force. The battle was won, however, the war had just begun.

For showing her diligence against impossible odds, Elva was given a place in Ordello's warband. It was a good move, for her knowledge of the world's history proved useful in helping decode the structure's many systems and runes. However, they barely managed to scrape the surface of the vast databanks, which are still being decoded to this day. What they found out, was that the creatures were left to watch over the world by an ancient civilization that was able to create life at a whim. The race's secret seemed to have been in its nanotechnology, being able to manipulate the very building blocks of life.

Ordello suspected that it was possible that these advanced beings created other worlds as well, and more clues to its past and current state could be found there. Despite the information gained, the Imperium was unable to harness the nano-relics that had been salvaged.

Elva spent years travelling with Ordello on his quest, earning acolyteship after clearing a room of tainted storm troopers. The servants of the ancients attempted to hamper the inquisitor at every turn, taking new forms with their assigned worlds. Even with the godlike civilization's minions against them, Ordello and his warband managed to uncover five more structures before Elva was ready to strike out on her own. However, despite their success, the Inquisitors never managed to find any trace of the creator race, its whereabouts still unknown.

Elva is currently attempting to locate another structure in hopes of uncovering what she has sought her entire life, the ultimate history of the universe.


Elva is tall and skinny, with short blonde hair that she often keeps spikey. She is six foot two and has and has a slim figure. Her eyes are steel blue and her skin is pale as if she had been born on an ice world.