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Dapper's WIP Models - Now with INQ28!

Started by DapperAnarchist, August 26, 2010, 02:31:43 PM

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I'm absolutely in love with your Nurgle cultist; it's fantastic! The sprayer looks a little heavy for his wasted arms, but I guess he's probably infused with rigor mortis strength. The palette is a brilliant change from the standard green. Not many diseases make you go green anyway. But red, black and brown, yes.

Definitely worth the wait on the daemonhost. The dull eye reminds me of an elephant skull.


When painting, I decide that the pustules should be blackish grey... because what disease is more Nurglish than the Black Death?

Here's two more - a completed Slaaneshi Marine, and the King of Limbs, my Slaanesh cultist, who, though finished for now, I'm not that happy with. His torso is too plain I think...

Slaaneshi Marine first - need a name for him, as it happens!

He's supposed to look like someone's been whipping him, because what's more defining of sexual peversity than flogging?

other side

The leather on the legs has tattoos - one Imperial Eagle with a wreath, and one eight pointed star. He's a Slaaneshi marine, he'll kill anything that might excite him.

Blurry close up on the face, which needs some more highlights

Here's the King of Limbs. Yes, named after the Radiohead album. Why not?

I'm pleased with the concept, and with parts of the execution, but the painting of the drug dispensers that float behind him and the sculpting of the torso aren't very good... eventually I'll go back to them.

More and more
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!

Inquisitor Goldeneye

Great models!

The marine looks especially menacing, and the 'King of Limbs' vagely reminds me of something I whipped up for my younger brothers' Inq. Chaos cult back when he used to play.

As for a name for your Chaos marine perhaps something biblical? 'Paradise Lost' also contains a lot of suitable sounding names; Moloch, Chemos, Baalim, Thammuz, Vallombrosa, Gehenna and Horonaim to name but a few (alright, so some of those are place-names, but they still sound about right to me).

Then you just need to give him a nice, Slaaneshi-sounding ajective to follow such as 'the obscene', 'the grotesque', the exquisite' ect.
'A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.' -  William Wordsworth.

Alyster Wick

Well since your topless marine is an Emperor's Children I guess I'll have to make mine a World Eater :P

Seriously though, good job. The vestigial wings are a nice touch. I'll also echo Goldeneye's comments about names through and through (especially the end part about adding "the obscene" etc). Perhaps for the scars you could give the some texture as well using GS or even just scouring the skin with a hobby knife?

The daemonhost and tzeentch cultist as looking good too. Your experiments with shading and tattoos are inspiring, I have to turn up my free hand game (that is after I start painting again period). Just looked down at your daemonhost again, I really, reallly like the whole Cthulu vibe. Also need to remember to use alchemical texts for inspiration.

The King of Limbs has a great name but I think you're right about it needing some retooling. Compared to the rest of your cultists (and models in general) it just looks a little rushed and thrown together. I'd keep the legs as is but go back to the drawing board with the rest of it. Don't want to sound overly harsh, but you're clearly capable of doing some great stuff and I love the concept.


There can be more than one bare-chested Emperor's Child out there! And the name, he's now Baalim the Obscene. I might go back and do something 3d with the whip marks, but they're not supposed to have cut the skin... Though perhaps they should have!

The King of Limbs will be ripped apart next week... oh well. :P

I've made some terrain! Here's the first two - the third one needs some last details.


Its a generator station of some kind? Covered in dirt grease muck and filth, either like there's polluted rain falling on it, or its under a downflow from the Uphive...


A barricade, covered in rust. The rust is just burnt umber and yellow ochre paints from Wilkinsons. There's a bit of grittiness as well, the result of a failed attempt at salt washing.

The next one is a dead tree, with playing cards scattered around it. That'll appear soon.
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!


There we go - tree with cards all over the bottom. Dead leaves are just oregano glued to the base. Cards are thin plasticard painted up.
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!


Simultaneous triple-post/threadomancy! Go team Dapper! I've been working on a lot of things - some mutants based on Rat Ogres, an unbound Daemonhost based on the spawn kit, a Vanus Assassin, some Rogue Tradery stuff, and finished painting two mercenaries and a Zoat. However, I don't have photos of those. No, instead I have photos of something a bit different. I have turned apostate, and begun a INQ28 warband.

Two close-ups

They're made mostly from the slavedrivers from the Rat Ogre/Giant Rats Skaven set (bought for the rats, but I use everything :D ). My inaugural 28mm warband is a Dark Mechanicus Abduction Squad, with these representing the twist-slaves who form the disposable part. I also have plans for their boss,  a "Meister", and for his boss, a Dark Magos. The Dark Magos I'm really looking forward to - I think its quite an inventive idea. I hope...
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!

Inquisitor Goldeneye

I'm not usually that interested in INQ.28, but I do look forward to seeing what you come up with for your Dark Magos.

Also, I just noticed that in your 'dead tree' post, you say that the cards are thin, painted plasticard. Did you really paint those tiny, Inquisitor-scale cards by hand? They look great! You have a considerably higher tolerance for fiddlyness than I do!
'A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.' -  William Wordsworth.


I painted the basic colours all at a go, before cutting them, then used a micropen to make the details. Not that hard. Micropens are great!
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!


More! Back to 54mm - I have some more 28mm ideas, more stuff drawn from the WHFB range, but not yet. Here we have the beginning of my barbaric Rogue Trader, and the Unbound version of the Daemonhost from the previous page.

And Two More for the Daemonhost.

A lot of work, particularly huge amount of sculpting tentacles to be done. The Rogue Trader is going to have his face Blanche-ised, and the Daemon is going to be mostly tentacles, a bit like those seen on the large Spore Mines from Forge World, but 1)denser and 2) not as well done.
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!

Inquisitor Goldeneye

Tentacles! TENTACLES!

Mind you, what else can one expect from a Slaaneshi cult?

Also, the Viking-y Rogue Trader looks interesting; are those thighs (or shins or fore-arms or whatever) from a 'Halo' miniature?
'A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.' -  William Wordsworth.


DEEPLY delayed response - I moved to Bristol, started a PhD, and all sorts of things various associated with that...


Goldeneye - they are Halo thighs, but are not being used on Inquisitor Cass Mark V. Or will be. The Trader is a bit developed, but not much. The Daemonhost is abandoned, as it wasn't really working, but the parts will find their place elsewhere, like a very tall Magos...

Here's the complete versions of my first three Inq28 models, Dark Mechanicus Twist-slaves. In a few months I'll build their leader, then eventually his boss too. Later on tonight I might doublepost with a completed Pariah Agent, Sicarius Assassin, and some WIP shots of mutants and the RT.

This one is my favourite, with the blood and the cutting arm and so on...

They're made from Skaven from the Rat Ogre/Giant Rat set, which is a great set for hulking monsters, mutants, rats, whips, and 28mm horrors...
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!


Very nice and creepy models. They certainly look the part. I would  have gone for darker robes because somehow I think that they would help the models look more defined. But that could just be my colourblindness.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.


They do lack some definition... I might 1) shadow the undersides of the robes, 2) add some trim, and 3) bruise up the visible skin, especially as they have steel rods forcibly inserted into their leg stumps... The pale robes are to give them a more medical look.

So, here's my Pariah Agent, Acolyte-Representative Uzziah Nagure, and his Servoskull body guard.

A couple more.

He has another Servoskull companion, who speaks for him (as his face is a steel plate), but that's still pretty WIP.

Here's a pair of mercenary bodyguard/kidnappers/assassins, named Volo and Veres.

And Some More.

Here's my Sicarius Assassin, Number VII.

And Some more.
I sculpted the skull part of the head! The gun is from some WW2 german armoured car machine gun, a 50 calibre or something, with the thin part of the barrel cut off. He's a mix of Blanchian stuff, Tron, and MDK, so he has a head-gun and a grav chute.

Here's my new Trader's bodyguard, wearing a Lacrymole skull as a hat... He's in two pieces, as you can see. On his belt, as well as the daggers, he has a wrapped up dead rat (his lunch, I guess) and a bundle of bones on a string.

And here are some WIP mutants, to accompany various Chaos leaders (my two Astartes, or my Cultists, or perhaps my Renegade Inquisitor..._

And this doesn't include the new Daemonweapon Claw for my aforementioned Renegade Inquisitor, my slightly altered Emperor's Children Marine (new chest scars), my Slaanesh Cultist, my Vanus Assassin, my Harlequin, my Wych, my Crusader, my barbaric Rogue Trader, Inquisitor Lord Cass Mark V, my repainting of Inquisitor Adelmar, a new Techpriest... the list, obviously, goes on and on.
Questions are a burden to others, answers a burden to oneself.

The Keltani Subsector  My P&M Thread - Most recent, INQ28!


Some of those models look really strange, in a good way. The pariah looks very good, mysterieus and also like an agent.
The sicarius assassin looks weird in a very unexpected way, but it is nice. The trader's bodyguard is really great, I wish I was capable of making models like that.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.