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test post - Guides

Started by greenstuff_gav, July 31, 2009, 07:16:02 PM

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i make no apologies, i warned you my ability to roll ones was infectious...

Build Your Imagination

Inq Herodotus

Hey Gav, the post looks fine :D. Links work great. Don't suppose you know what happened to the old Conclave do you? :S


i'm sure Saussure will post in time.. in the meantime this lot is testing the forum software / layout and gotta try to sort out how easy it is for Spambots to sign up :P
i make no apologies, i warned you my ability to roll ones was infectious...

Build Your Imagination


Gav, I know EXACTLY which picture you're basing that model off, as I did a greenie version of it myself a few years back. Unfortunately, yours is already out-doing mine in spades, and it's not even finished  :'(
An Inquisitor walks into a bar - he rolls D100 to see if he hits it.
Gallery of my Inquisitor models here.


While we're still at this testing/rebuilding, I figured I'd note the absence of the old "Dark Millennium" section.

But it's good to see the site up again.
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles