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An expansion of the rules... A quest for a better Witch Hunter...

Started by Eziah Kranox, February 17, 2013, 10:34:50 AM

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Eziah Kranox

Well after I was kindly sent the rules and had a good read of them, I discovered that quite a lot of sections were incomplete. I would like to start filling in the gaps, if N01H3r3 gives me permission *crosses fingers that he will read this post*. As the undertaking would be rather large, I was wondering if anyone else would like to help? Whether that means just posting ideas or whether you would like to write your own sections, this is just a bit of a call for help. I figure it would be nice to turn it into something more complete state, so.......



Eziah Kranox

Well, not all the lores have spells, not all the gods have the powers outlined and I'm sure there is someone who wants something else expanded. I just want to fill in some of the spells and the divine powers but there might be other things that other people would like to be expanded.... I just thought that the rules should be a little more finished.


It's a good idea. At the time Inquisitor was released, I thought a fantasy Inquisitor would have been even better. Although I visualised it more as an improved combat system for WHFRP. I'm sure if it's polished and pushed right it could be popular enough. It is a big undertaking and, as I see it, probably can only really be achieved with loads of playtesting. I don't play any more but I am interested in the concept and am planning on painting a couple of Witch Hunter warbands once I finish my current projects. I'm thinking about a Chaos Norse marauder party, Morr temple guards and I'd like to look into converting myself some 54mm Fimir or even one or two of the larger monsters or demons. I reckon the bestiary could do with expanding.


Hi there,

I was given the rules by Radu Lykan and after reading them very closely I have found that like the first post said quite a few things missing like the other gods divine gifts and also the other types of magic and Chaos powers/gifts, as I am quite partial to the chaotic side of life and also you do get cults that don't have leaders who don't have magic abilities, so maybe you could make a profile for mainly warrior sort of leaders for chaos cults if you ever upgrade the ruleset?

What's this thing you call a Sky? I've never seen the Sky before. So this is the Sky? Where's the ceiling then?



I know this is an old thread but is it still possible to get a copy of the rules?  I wasn't able to connect through the link.

I like writing rules for things and would love to have a go at filling in anything that's still missing...


They're mirrored here:

If you're interested in rules though, what we're currently working on is the (unofficial) Inquisitor Revised Edition, which is always looking for more feedback.
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles


Great stuff, thank you Marco, looks like that's two sets of rules I get to have a read through and a fiddle with.