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Sumaki's Project log

Started by Sumaki, October 17, 2009, 04:41:58 PM

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Right, As some people may or may not know, i play a rogue trader warband but ive been thinking about branching out into an inquisitor warband (As well as a few others) so i'm starting this one thread instead of having half a dozen or so.

so, the new inquisitor... inquisitrix.


i'm running along the lines of a puritan (They hate everyone, everything and burn it all, whats not to like?) right now, all ive got is a picture in my mind right now, i shall write a back story at some point :D

Built a backpack for her already. I had a box full of bits dropped at my door the other day so ive had a lot of fun rumaging around!

And the frame of the model.

Thoughts? coments?


Looks good, fantastic sketch, and the backpack looks suitibly ornate.

Gonna have some sort of flame weapon for her?


Nice idea and sketches. I roughly understand what this is based on. I would do something similar at some point, different look and symbols though. Something to watch out for- be careful with hips- shoulders position. If she is using one leg as main support- with weight shifted her hips have to be sloped to bent leg, so would have to be her shoulder line sloped to straight leg.

Something like that- from Barchay's...
Good luck!


I concur with Serge.  I don't like the leg position, which looks rather awkward.  It looks awkward-ish when Steve B does it, and he's a genius.  Plus, I think an inquisitrix needs a stronger pose.



Well, one would expect some type of "cowboy stance" out of Inquisitor, but maybe it takes all kinds, even with "ingenue stance"... ;)


Ugh, night shifts have clobbered my modeling time.. a small update before i head in, more later.

still a bit of sanding and carving to go (Alot with the body.)

Im annoyed that i put my thumb over her face and only realised the morning after.. but what can you do eh?

Side 1

side 2

I'll post pictures of the body when i get some more putty slapped on, carved it a little and my bottle of courage gets here. Comments greatly appreciated

Hadriel Caine

wow! this is going to be cool I think. quite different to the usual rogue trader. Mine seems very vanilla now. Nice sculpting.
The Fall of Astraea
Astrean OOC- feedback thread

\'You have to lie to keep people happy\'


right, quick update between curing putty and weird shifts at work.

Head is at a stage where i will stop fiddling with it now, re-sculpted some of the tubes leading from her eye.


sculpting mass around where i want the coat to flow, im trying the tomatoe puree tube method, ive also changed the stance so that she will have one foot perched on a weapon box.

note to self, make armature connected to a base next time..


Personally, I tend to make the armature's legs a bit longer than they really need to be, and then stab them into a champagne bottle cork with a dot of superglue. This means that you can hold onto the cork when you're sculpting and makes things a lot easier, and you can also leave the model standing upright to stop it leaning on details that might get damaged by having the model's weight on them.

Just a little pointer.

And also, kudos on that head. She's looking rather good. :)
"Somehow, Inquisitor, when you say 'with all due respect,' I don't think that you mean any respect at all."

"I disagree, governor. I think I am giving you all of the respect that you are due..."


Just a little update before my nightshift.

im using patches of puree tube to put a rough coat together, the theory is that i'll smooth over it with Grey stuff to give it strength and cover over the joins, ive added a few bits just to see how they will fit in the final model.

all her base. :P

in my mind ive explained her height by saying that she's naturaly tall plus the power armor gives her a more imposing presence, as a puritain i want her to put the fear of the emperor into everyone.

Quote from: Ynek on November 19, 2009, 01:29:41 AM
Personally, I tend to make the armature's legs a bit longer than they really need to be, and then stab them into a champagne bottle cork with a dot of superglue. This means that you can hold onto the cork when you're sculpting and makes things a lot easier, and you can also leave the model standing upright to stop it leaning on details that might get damaged by having the model's weight on them.

Just a little pointer.

And also, kudos on that head. She's looking rather good. :)

definately going to try that next time, or even set up a base just for sculpting. Cheers :)

Edit: Also adding some plates like these,sculpting.php?id=571#i/tutoriale/big/plate17.jpg


Wow, she's really coming along in leaps and bounds! I really like the tomato puree coat, it's given the model the horizontal bulk that came across in the drawing. Also, I don't think I've ever seen Scibor miniatures before - am I just being dense or is it not in the Resources sticky? They have a fair selection of 54mm models that would convert quite nicely to Inquisitor...
An Inquisitor walks into a bar - he rolls D100 to see if he hits it.
Gallery of my Inquisitor models here.


Quote from: RobSkib on November 20, 2009, 04:50:09 PM
Wow, she's really coming along in leaps and bounds! I really like the tomato puree coat, it's given the model the horizontal bulk that came across in the drawing. Also, I don't think I've ever seen Scibor miniatures before - am I just being dense or is it not in the Resources sticky? They have a fair selection of 54mm models that would convert quite nicely to Inquisitor...

Haddn't noticed that.. The site  had quite a few mentions on the old 'clave.

Im keeping my eye on this fella

Im glad the coats working as well as it is, i dont think i would have enjoyed sculpting it!


Quote from: Sumaki on November 20, 2009, 03:22:01 PM
Also adding some plates like these,sculpting.php?id=571#i/tutoriale/big/plate17.jpg
I've been meaning to give that tutorial a try for a while now - have you tried it yet?  If so, how did it go?

I'll add the tutorial to the 'Resources' thread (I think I added Scibor the other day when I first read this) - maybe that way I'll remember to give it a try...
I like to remember things my own way... Not necessarily the way they happened.

Inquisitor - Blood Bowl - Malifaux - Fairy Meat


Just a quick update.

Quote from: Kaled on November 24, 2009, 05:51:01 PM

I've been meaning to give that tutorial a try for a while now - have you tried it yet?  If so, how did it go?

I'll add the tutorial to the 'Resources' thread (I think I added Scibor the other day when I first read this) - maybe that way I'll remember to give it a try...

i found it quite easy to do, so far, i wish i'd had some vasaline thought to grease the bits that i was using to make the mold. Its baking as we speak, results to follow!



just pulled the mold out of the oven, its already set! just 15mins! im about to try it with GreyStuff, Found some lube. Dont Ask

*Update 2*

the mold works really well, very happy with it, i'm just working out the kinks in the impressions that i make and i think i'll have cracked it.

Revised mold