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You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy - underhive WIPs

Started by seaglen, January 14, 2014, 08:43:00 PM

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The App is called "Spacepaint" its quite useful for somthing you can chuck on in a few minutes on an phone or ipad!



Eventually reinvigorating this thread too...

I am expanding my Underhive characters and mutants/scum/gang members with a new miniature I stumbled across on eBay.

he was under the search term "ogryn" funnily enough, has no manufacturer's mark, and is scaled really well for 54mm gaming!

If anyone can place what/who this model is, that would be great!

He is wearing basic robes, with tubes coming from a back pack, running along his arms, and attached to syringes on his wrists - he looks all scabbed up, and his head is elongated and alien-like.

Any ideas people??

Alyster Wick

Radu Lykan

No idea regarding your question but that is a cool find, fits straight into inquisitor


I'd add some sprockets and wires to that backpack to 40k it a bit more. Mismatched or a single large shoulder pad should help as well.
An Inquisitor walks into a bar - he rolls D100 to see if he hits it.
Gallery of my Inquisitor models here.


I've still had no joy placing where this miniature came from, but I've started the painting anyway!

Keeping it quite simple and muted, with a few bits of brightness on the tubes and backpack -

Not really sure what colour to do the tubes in the end - I wanted to make the syringes look like they have a fluid toxin in them - any ideas how to pull that off, with the tubes as well?

Also - what on earth do I run him as?? - a mutant? - he is clearly alien by the looks of his face, but he could easily pass as an abhuman of sorts.
Id love to create an interesting background for him
- what does he do?
- what are his hand-syringes for?

I was thinking along the lines of a gene-gatherer, or just a generic toxin-wielding underhive dweller?


Lord Borak

He looks pretty twisted. For some reason he reminds me of Spider man. Squirting Web out of those syringes to capture people for *Insert evil deed here* and so forth. Maybe some sort of crazed medicae who captures people and then experiments on them or something.

Alyster Wick

Quote from: seaglen on January 28, 2016, 02:58:48 PM

I was thinking along the lines of a gene-gatherer, or just a generic toxin-wielding underhive dweller?


I think that sounds awesome. The idea of this creature lurking around, capturing people and animals, then rendering them down and finding a way to splice their genes into his to make him stronger is really neat. He could also just be an abhuman/mutant/beastman with crazy injectors (maybe they count as improvised weapons that deliver toxins?).

Either way, it's a neat mini with a great paint job. I had been wondering what the face actually looked like but it'd much clearer with paint on it!

Also, for the gold areas of the backpack, find one or two raised points and put a dash of bright silver on it. Then blend some white into the silver and put a little dot in as a further highlight. It really makes the gold come to life!

Van Helser

Love that model. He's wildly different to anything I've seen before, but works so well for a mad scientist type.

For the syringes - how about this tutorial:



QuoteI think that sounds awesome. The idea of this creature lurking around, capturing people and animals, then rendering them down and finding a way to splice their genes into his to make him stronger is really neat.

Sounds like a wicked adversary rather than a random mutant!

This fig makes me very jealous - where did you find it?


Thanks for the tutorial! - thats up next  on my to do list!

KaptiDavy - Ive no idea what or where this model is from - I just found it on eBay under "Ogryn" one day!

Ive started o the base, and also some more highlights:



Hi there all!

well after a while messing about with silicone and resin, I actually picked up a paintbrush last night and began trying to finish off dome more miniatures!

I begun work on more highlights on this guy, and also the first stages on the tubes and syringes.

I also started finishing off little bits of his armour and silver highlights:

Im not 100% convinced of the colour on the syringe liquid yet, and maybe should match it with the two blue vials on his belt? - thoughts?

I also got round to painting samson's banner at last:


When it comes to syringes that have funny liquids in for harming people (that's what they're for, right?) I prefer neon colours, scorpion green, blazing orange, etc to look lethal.

On the other hand, would that detract from the model?
Otherwise a blue might fit, although I'd suggest ultramarines blue - maybe or maybe not with blue drybrushing if the liquid is supposed to glow?
"Heretics are like cockroaches - annoying to find, and even more annoying to kill." - unattrib.

Van Helser

Matching the blue on the belt would look good. The green is kind of lost within the rest of his colour scheme at the moment. Mcjomar is right on trying to go for something neon - it will really stand out and make his contraptions the primary focus that draws the eye.
