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My impirial NPCs log

Started by seaglen, April 03, 2014, 09:08:34 AM

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Van Helser, great idea about changing it to an =][= 

I have a few brass etch bits that would be perfect for it  - it would show that he is now currently is under the employment of an inquisitor.

Next up are the flails - any ideas to make them a little more interesting? at first I was going to go with Chaos Marauder flails, as they are simple and have some nice spikey ones.
Then I thought that the character is lacking a lot of Sc-Fi aesthetics - maybe something more like shock flails or cables?



Small update:

Added an inquisitorial symbol to the arm band:

I also started creating a base for the extra hood and started sculpting the join between torso and legs:

I have also been playing about with miliput recently - it seems easier to work with than greenstuff, so I will have some more updates on the imperial cultist shortly...

Van Helser

The =][= works nicely there. I can't come up with any good suggestions for the flails unfortunately. Higher tech would put me in the mind of Damien 1427's, but they wouldn't fit those hafts. Sculpting something over a couple of lengths of wire would be a tricky, but potentially rewarding option.

Milliput is nice stuff to work with for simple shapes. It's easy to smooth with water, and can be filed and sanded. I use it for cloaks and jackets.


Radu Lykan

on the flail/sci fi bit, how about a techno power back pack with wires going from the back pack into the hafts to give shock flails? a power field type paint job on the flails would also add more sci fi?

Alyster Wick

Quote from: Radu Lykan on November 20, 2014, 02:28:52 PM
on the flail/sci fi bit, how about a techno power back pack with wires going from the back pack into the hafts to give shock flails? a power field type paint job on the flails would also add more sci fi?

Power pack actually sounds quite interesting. Having a backpack could also help make the hood a bit more natural (covering more of the torso). Having guitar wire leading to the end of the handles and some electro-gubbins coming off the top would look interesting as well.

Failing all that, you could take the chaos marauder chains and just replace the spiky bits with imperial errata (eagles, inquisitorial symbols, etc). He could literally be flailing people with imperial iconography. He's not a very subtle character to begin with, could be fitting.

Radu Lykan

^i meant to put this in as well^  if you can find enough decent sized pieces then imperial iconography instead of spikey balls would be great


Hi all,

Small update to the robe and general tidying up of sculpting:
(miliput is great to smooth)

On the note of the flails:
QuoteHe could literally be flailing people with imperial iconography
- I absolutely love this idea. Great suggestion and will certainly run with it!

Quotea techno power back pack with wires going from the back pack into the hafts to give shock flails?
- also going to incorporate this. I may use the wrist guards Sgt. Stone model has as sci-fi looking connectors, so having the cable running from the flail to his wrist-mounted cells...thoughts?

Heroka Vendile

It's all fun and games until someone shoots their own guy with a Graviton gun instead of the MASSIVE SPIDER.
The Order of Krubal
Rewards Of The Enemy


Many thanks!

after a bit of a lieu I am back on track with more work to be posted soon.

Urgent bit of help needed however - I am looking to create a lot of my characters into the 28mm scale (mainly for use in 40k games as inquisitors/henchmen rather than play inq.28 but nice to have the option)

and I am in need of any idea how to recreate this head for the trooper in 28mm:

any ideas? - the closest ive got so far is use an elyisan drop trooper...
or does anyone know of a suitable head from a non GW company that would fit the bill?


Hello all,

after a bit of a lull in making anything 54mm for a while (I've been looking into terrain and 28mm versions of my characters), I have put aside the cultist for a while and moved onto a more respectable side of Imperial culture - The Adeptus Arbites!

Although Barbaretta/Lucretia and the Judge model are all part of this organisation, I wanted to create a much more traditional looking Arbites enforcer - like this guy:

With shotgun and shield as his weapons, I decided to put together a model:

It turns out the guardsmen torso and legs chosen were pretty short, so I lengthened the body a tad, and sculpted on additional details such as shield straps and boot caps...

I added the small book from the tech priest to represent the book of imperial law carried by all Arbites members.

Following this, I began to add a few more details to the model, such as straps on his torso, a thumb, and a knee pad to tie him in with the more armourd aethetic of the Arbiites...

Comments welcome!!


Apologies for the double post - bit of an update on the painting now.

I started with a grey for the cloth, intending to darken this with black/blue washes to reach a deep enough colour.

The reds on the heltmet, front straps and gun will all be brought up to the bright red associated with the late 80s GW colour - allbeit slightly more realistic and weathered...

I also decided on the Bright Yellow for the armour plates as a throwback to the original scheme - with White/Red embellishments and sigils:


Alyster Wick

Quote from: seaglen on January 05, 2015, 05:37:22 PM
Urgent bit of help needed however - I am looking to create a lot of my characters into the 28mm scale (mainly for use in 40k games as inquisitors/henchmen rather than play inq.28 but nice to have the option)

any ideas? - the closest ive got so far is use an elyisan drop trooper...
or does anyone know of a suitable head from a non GW company that would fit the bill?

A non-traditional idea could be a Wrack head (with a little greenstuff). The faceplate could serve with a little bit of GS, and you could mock up a crude helmet without too much hassle. For bodies any number of Fantasy Warhammer Empire grunts fit the bill.

Elysian drop trooper head would definitely work (as you've mentioned), though I almost wonder if it wouldn't be easiest to just sand down the helmet on a standard IG head and make a smooth surface with some GS.

Non-GW, I'd say there are plenty of Infinity miniatures that could potentially fit the bill. Out of curiosity, why are you making your NPCs in 28mm? Or are they NPC "Characters", as it were?


The Arbiter is looking good! The elbows are a little stiff/straight, but he does have an intimidating lean forward. Lots of menace about him. Good job extending the torso as well, some of the later minis in the line are short to the point of diminutiveness. That wouldn't serve this guy very well at all...

Looking forward to seeing what he looks like with the pads all painted up. Always like to see how folks handle adding armor like that. Bold choice on the yellow armor, BTW.


Many thanks for the feedback!

QuoteFor bodies any number of Fantasy Warhammer Empire grunts fit the bill.
- yep already sourced one from the militia set that works well...

Quotejust sand down the helmet on a standard IG head and make a smooth surface with some GS.
- as much as id like to use the drop troops heads, they seem to be expensive/hard to find - so this may be the cheap alternative. Thanks!

The 28mm NPCs are as you have said, NPC "characters".
Although they are going to be used in games mainly as cannon fodder or grunts etc, its nice to have a bit of background to each one.
the majority of these "Imperial NPCs" will be additions to an Inquisitor's warband or temporary henchmen.

the idea of making a lot of my models into 28mm is more for using them in games of 40k, rather than inq28.

I like the idea of having an inquisitor and retinue, with their respective Rhino, overseeing an assault or defense in 40k - cross platform campaigns interest me, so I may even get round to making my inquisitor's ship/fleet for BFG...

As for the Arbiter, even though I have extended the torso, he is still annoyingly short for a member of the Abites!
standing him next to covenant or even some of the hive scum models makes him look a tad Napoleonic.
However, you do get all heights of human, so he will just have to compensate his lack of inches with shotgun shells.

I am also a little concerned about the yellow, but actually happy to be painting something a little bolder than my normal muted/dull palette.
here is another sneak peek of more colour on the red parts at least, plus a darker wash on the clothes:

the white line at the base of his shield - I am either thinking the classic hazard chevron stripes (too much yellow?), or a black and white checkered pattern. thoughts?


Small update to the Arbites enforcer,

I've started adding some metallic areas to the model, and also cleaned up the grey/black a little:

I also added a little base colour to the visor - but - do I go for a green or a blue visor??

On the front of the shield I am going to create a chipped version of the Arbites logo (probably use an imperial fists symbol to start, then freehand around it...


Heroka Vendile

looking good - my only comment is that is does look a little like he's wearing dungarees, this could beastly fixed by adding some webbing pouches on his stomach in line with the chest straps.
It's all fun and games until someone shoots their own guy with a Graviton gun instead of the MASSIVE SPIDER.
The Order of Krubal
Rewards Of The Enemy